Idol Pro is quite a bit boomier on the backend than the PM or P2, it's a nice compliment if you want to keep moving left with a similar roll and similar hook potential, but the PM or P2 get soft from deeper angles, this one really moves on the backend. I bowled the last two games of singles with it at nationals over the weekend and it looked really good. I actually think the scope of use is greater with the Idol Pro than the Pro Motion. The Pro Motion is the better ball by a very thin hair, because it's quite a bit more versatile, but for the general bowling population, I think the Idol Pro is going to be more popular. Power for the straighter bowler that they generally don't see, recovery and big drive from deep for the high rev guys that usually see wiggle in the soup, but the one "fault" I guess you'd say is that it's gonna move on friction, it's just going to go, but that's also its strong point, depends on how you look at it. The Pro Motion looked great on both the team and doubles and singles patterns at Nationals, my best games were with it, but it was too much from straight on the team pattern and I had it at 2000, and the doubles and singles pattern had almost as much friction, so I wasn't getting any push in the middle when I moved in, so that's when I went to the Idol Pro. It came out for exactly one shot in team and went back in the bag, way too much downlane. From 4th-5th arrow on singles it was great but by then the shot was transitioning every other frame, and some really good shots off my hand went through the nose.
So basically it's a really great compliment to the Phaze 2 or Pro Motion, it would NOT fit in that spot. P2 and PM are great at blending the pattern, the Idol Pro is good at enhancing friction.
Nah bruh lol. The proof will be there for this one, I’d almost tell people not to run out and get it when it releases, give it all the time you need. Actually watch the PBA League coming up next week, these should be all over the place. I’d expect a lot of the women to be throwing them too. Much more a tournament ball than a league ball, but these are gonna look good on house shots too to control those big cliffed shots. I hate being a staffer for balls like this because of how it’s going to be received, but it is what it is.
The hype train is steaming down the tracks and some staffers whom I trust say this ball is going to rank up there with Hyroads and IQ Tours. Every staffer I’ve spoken with (
said they will die on this hill.
So it's gonna be like the fight and it
I’m very interested in the comparison between this, Idol Pro, and Phaze 2. All 3 will be fighting for that particular spot in my bag come tournament season, which my Phaze 2 currently holds.