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Author Topic: Pro Shop not opening fast enough!  (Read 1155 times)


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Pro Shop not opening fast enough!
« on: February 14, 2017, 09:35:44 AM »
Hello bowling family,
I am a Hammer Head, but since I am a two hander I have purchased the Timeless and the dam pro shop don't open until 4:00pm est. So I amHere waiting for the shop to open like a kid on X-Mas. I heard a lot of reviews on this ball (not the hype train and by one handers with a thumb ) and everyone who threw it is saying the samething,that this ball is made for two handers. Is there any reviews by two handers? I ca not find none to get there perspective on the ball. I don't want Belmo's reviews because 1 it is his ball and he going to say anything to sell it and 2 he has so much speed and revs that he make all the balls he throw look the same. All help will be greatful.
My Weapons for WAR: 15LBS. Hammer Black Widow Gold, Storm IQ Tour, Storm Timeless, Storm Drive, Hammer Black Urethane, Hammer Gauntlet.  Gold Widow Spare



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Re: Pro Shop not opening fast enough!
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2017, 09:55:22 AM »
I had my Timeless drilled up last night and I'm a one hander with a thumb and I can say that this ball isn't made for just two handers. I threw a little over a game with it before the pro shop closed and I was impressed by the length and overall motion. I don't have a ton of revs and I can honestly say that this ball throws pins all over the place. It just seems to create different pin action than my other Storm/Roto Grip equipment. I can't wait to try it tomorrow night during league to see how it holds up for three games.