This is pure speculation as Storm has not released information yet, but they usually put out something right about May 1. The lower end of their line-up is due for some pieces and a solid and pearl turbine core ball would make sense. If memory serves me correctly, Storm put out the Fringe and Manic in spring 2012, the Furious and Fast in spring 2010, and Street Rod and Street Rod Pearl in 2008. I am not sure when the 2Furious and 2Fast came out but they might have been spring releases as well.
Unless there has been a change in strategy, Roto Grip probably will not have another release until Bowl Expo time. Roto used to try to stay a little more slower on their releases so not to dilute what their parent company had out. They put 3 out at the first of the year and had 3 releases (really 5 if you count the Shout/Scream color updates) at Bowl Expo. Storm had the Marvel/Hy-Road Pearl at Bowl Expo and then the Byte/Reign On in October. Now they have put out their usual USBC tournament release in the Fusion and Zero.
Sorry for the book, but so far both companies are staying close to the pattern they have set. now would I love a pearl Hyper Cell to play with all summer.............