I am picking up the Optimus tomorrow to go with my IQ TOUR SOLID, IQ TOUR PEARL, FUSION, HYROAD PEARL. I like to start with the IQ SOLID and go up or down from there. If IQ SOLID starts hitting a little weak I usually ball up to my Fusion. If Solid is a bit too much I ball down to the Gold IQ and then if need be down to the HYROAD PEARL. Not sure where the OPTIMUS will fit in with these balls. Some people say it hooks more then the Fusion and I have heard others say it is less then Fusion. I bowl on a synthetic THS most of the time. I still do a few tournaments later in the year. All balls are drilled similar although I was thinking about going pin down on OPTIMUS. Could the OPTIMUS be my new benchmark ball? I heard it is a THS killer. Maybe fit the OPTIMUS below IQ SOLID and above IQ PEARL. Looking for advice from someone who has a similar ball selection to choose from. Thanks!!