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Author Topic: Prodigy vs 2nd Dimension  (Read 1869 times)


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Prodigy vs 2nd Dimension
« on: August 26, 2011, 03:56:07 AM »
  Hello folks. So once again I've been out of the loop for awhile now and Im looking for new equipment. The last ball i drilled up was the 2nd Dimension. Infact I loved the ball so much I drilled 3! But due to some life changing events I had to get rid of them. But now that things are better, I'd like to know more about the Prodigy vs the 2nd Dimension. Based on what I've read, they seem similar but I'd like to hear it from you guys.






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Re: Prodigy vs 2nd Dimension
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2011, 06:17:44 PM »
I have both, I hated the 2nd so much that I thought I would never drill up a prodigy. Well after a year of the prodigy being out I was able to throw one at a demo days and liked it then drilled it and love it. So to compare the two they have the same shell but that is all they have in-commen . I like the role of the prodigy so much that I am thinking of pulling the 2nd out of the closet and knocking of the polish. So in box finish the prodigy is sooner with nice predictable roll my new bench mark ball as you will. my 2nd was a lot of over under and I could never find a time or shot I could use it on with much success. If you are looking for a ball similar to the 2nd this is not it but a very good ball to me a ball that would be much closer to the 2nd would be the reign it is discontinued but still easy to find, but don,t bother drill up the prodigy you will not regret it.


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Re: Prodigy vs 2nd Dimension
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2011, 09:11:26 AM »
 I had a second dimension which I liked and replaced with a prodigy, yet the prodigy did not replace this ball reaction at all. It was not even close. The prodigy is really strong in the mid lane and angular and kind of quits at the break point. No matter what the surface adjustment. My second dimension cleared the heads rev strong in mid bit gave me a strong continueous hook motion off the break point.  I got the exact same ball motion from a marvel pearl with a little light hand surface. I would say that if your looking to replace secomd dimension reaction give a marvel pearl a try. Adding a little surface helps the ball pick up and continue more in the back. You don't need a lot of surface though just a little by hand.

Billy Trudell
Storm PBA regional staff
Drilling Tech Next Level Proshop

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Re: Prodigy vs 2nd Dimension
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2011, 11:19:54 AM »
Just curious Billy, did you ever try polishing the Prodigy? If so, what were the results? For me, I couldn't get friendly with the 2D no matter what I did to it, just too much friction in the fronts at any surface. As to the Prodigy, it is not my favorite ball, but I have found it more useable than the 2D.

BTW, I did like the solid Dimension.


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Re: Prodigy vs 2nd Dimension
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2011, 12:02:02 PM »
Yes I have polished it. Seems to long with the polish. I don't use  very many balls with full polish everything I have is atleast hand scuffed. The prodigy is just a unique roll for me for lane specific conditions. The second dimension for me was an awsome look on the lane. A look that I was able to replicate with a marvel pearl. The prodigy is a good ball when you need to control back lane reaction but need length without under over.

Billy Trudell
Storm PBA regional staff
Drilling Tech Next Level Proshop

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Re: Prodigy vs 2nd Dimension
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2011, 08:47:42 AM »
 Yeah I was gonna echo the same thing as Billy just said. The marvel pearl has a really nice reaction compareable to the 2D. I haven't drilled up a Marvel Pearl yet but threw a couple demo balls. Has the same mid lane read and then hooks off the dry. I didn't care for the polished prodigy myself either. But the 2D is one of my favorite storm balls ever.
If you like the 2D you cant go wrong with the Marvel Pearl. To me the prodigy gives the same reaction as a Hyroad but for more oil. Which is what storm was trying to accomplish in the first place...

Leon's 300 Club Pro Shop

Rocklin, Ca.