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Author Topic: Prodigy vs Motiv Cruel  (Read 1867 times)


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Prodigy vs Motiv Cruel
« on: September 27, 2010, 08:30:01 PM »
Hey everyone, does anyone have both of these balls and can do a comparison of the two for them? I need a heavier oil ball for my house that won't lose it's energy like my VG does and leave 10 pins every time. I throw about 18 mph with a rev rate of around 300 with a medium track on medium house conditions, however they have been putting more oil down lately. I usually stand on the 20 and pound the ball to the 3 at the breakpoint with my pinkie tucked in and plenty of side roll (skid/flip kind of guy). So far my bag looks like this (sorry I don't know my specs off of the top of my head, right handed also): Virtual Gravity drilled strong with the pin just under in between the ring and middle, Mutant Cell Pearl drilled strong pin above my ring finger slightly to the right, and Reign drilled weak pin above my middle finger. Again, sorry I don't have the exact CG and MB measurements, but I know on my VG and MCP they both are within 3 inches of my midline. The Reign is too far away either, but I'm not home and can't check.

I adjust with my Mutant Cell Pearl enough to get by, but I'm still getting used to taking a lot of speed off of my shot to hit the pocket flush, and anything close to the twig is no mans land for me.

So yea, bottom line is I need a heavier oil ball that won't burn up on me early, but also won't skid on wetter conditions. After exhaustive research, I've come up with these two guys, but I'd like to hear some feedback from others before I make my choice. Looking at videos and ball specs (which are close by the way) isn't enough at this time.