I purchased the ROF to compliment my Hy-Road. I plan on starting with ROF and switching to the Hy-Road when the shot starts breaking down. I believe it will be a good combo, at my current house.
After speaking with my ball driller about how to drill the ROF, he made a comment about Storm releasing the ROF when it''s the same as the Reign
Same cover
Same core
different surface prep
He said people believe they are getting a different ball between the two, BUT you could take the ROF and polish to get the same surface as a Reign, or take the Reign and sand it 1000 creating a ROF.
I realize Storm says the Reign is a pearl reactive, and the ROF is a solid reactive, BUT if the the cover and core are the same, the only difference being the surface prep, is this the same ball, just with different name?
Edited on 2/16/2010 1:44 AM