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Author Topic: Pyro... Lost some reaction.  (Read 1316 times)


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Pyro... Lost some reaction.
« on: August 13, 2006, 10:50:44 AM »

Just wanted to run this by you. My Pyro has tons of games on it by now (favorite ball the last few months). I've started to see a bit of a loss in performance and I'm soaking it in hot hot tap-water with some dish soap.

Anyone tried this with the Pyro yet? It's worked on everything else I've tried it on. Just wanted to get some feedback from those who have done it specifically with the Pyro. Thanks!

Me: "I was having trouble with my thumb hole, so I had to sit there and finger my balls for like 5 minutes."
Wife: "Heh, that's more than you've done for me lately."
Me: "Yeah, well my balls don't BLEED for a week out of every month."



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Re: Pyro... Lost some reaction.
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2006, 02:55:52 AM »
LoL... Um... Anyone?
Me: "I was having trouble with my thumb hole, so I had to sit there and finger my balls for like 5 minutes."
Wife: "Heh, that's more than you've done for me lately."
Me: "Yeah, well my balls don't BLEED for a week out of every month."


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Re: Pyro... Lost some reaction.
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2006, 03:13:21 AM »
well it is a particle ball. no matter how many times you resurface it or give it a hot water bath there really is no wayto get its original reaction back.


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Re: Pyro... Lost some reaction.
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2006, 08:39:49 AM »
well it is a particle ball. no matter how many times you resurface it or give it a hot water bath there really is no wayto get its original reaction back.

I have to agree AND disagree with this statement on a couple of levels: First of all, I don't think you can get ANY ball back to it's true OOB reaction. Ever. Whether it's Particle or Reactive. Secondly, Storm Particle balls are very unique... I don't think the Pyro ever acted like a Particle piece to begin with. The Particles that Storm uses are so soft compared to your Brunswicks and your Legends/Lanemasters... Apples and oranges I guess.

So, yes, I'm sure I won't have the original reaction out of this ball. But to be honest, I didn't really plan to. And I'm actually glad I won't... I thought the Pyro was a bit too unpredictable at times OOB, but after a couple dozen games, it was by far the best ball I had. Just looking to add some of that "pop" back to it.

Me: "I was having trouble with my thumb hole, so I had to sit there and finger my balls for like 5 minutes."
Wife: "Heh, that's more than you've done for me lately."
Me: "Yeah, well my balls don't BLEED for a week out of every month."


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Re: Pyro... Lost some reaction.
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2006, 08:45:52 PM »
If you have the papers from inside the box. It tells you how to get it back to the OOB cover. We all know that it wont be exact but I also have pyro with a ton of games on it so if someone has the papers please post.


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Re: Pyro... Lost some reaction.
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2006, 07:13:41 PM »