Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: getuaload on May 05, 2006, 01:41:41 AM
Hey guys i have a question, Last night before league i sanded my Pryo to 800 and polished with ebonite factory polish. Now the ball seems to be very tame..
It lost the snap and now has more of a even arc and if i get alittle fast it will not recover. What should i do to get reaction back..
I have noticed this with alot of storm balls, if you alter the surface they become weak.
Any advice will help. Thanks JP
I have had similar problems you may have put to much polish on the ball that was what it was with mine awhile back
Formerly Storm717 and Storm750
Thanks, last night before league i used a grey scotch brite pad and scuffed the surface alittle, It brought the Pyro back to life. Now i will go back to my spinner and scuff it some more and light polish it.
Well, what did you use to bring it to 800? If you used sandpaper, this could explain why the ball lost it's luster. Storm particles seem to be softer that some of the other major brands, in my experience. You should only use a scotch brite or abralon pad to scuff the surface, from what I've been told.
Hope this helps.
"Having a family is like having a bowling alley installed in your head."