
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: Lippie300 on May 12, 2006, 01:58:20 AM

Title: Pyro vs. Super Power
Post by: Lippie300 on May 12, 2006, 01:58:20 AM
The super power was the last storm ball I have owned. Lately I have been throwing mainly ebonite and brunswick. I want to try a storm out again. I really liked the reaction I got with my super power, but I don't know how it will compare to the pyro. Any help is appreciated.
Title: Re: Pyro vs. Super Power
Post by: Noy on May 12, 2006, 10:28:54 AM
hmm, never seen the super power in action, but I will tell you that my friend has this ball (the pyro) and I've seen nothing but good things with this ball.  One of storms top monsters in their current line up.  I think you'd be happy with it, everyone else has been. =)

If you could name off some of the ebonite and brunswick balls you currently use, we could make a better comparison.
Bowling Since March 2006

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Average: 130-160

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Edited on 5/12/2006 10:27 AM
Title: Re: Pyro vs. Super Power
Post by: Lippie300 on May 12, 2006, 11:58:34 AM
I have the One, Big Time, Ultimate Inferno, Intense Inferno, Absolute Inferno, XXX Cel, Monster SmashR, and ScreamR.

I want a reaction like the Absolute Inferno, but a little bit earlier read and a little bit more backend.
Title: Re: Pyro vs. Super Power
Post by: Lippie300 on May 12, 2006, 11:58:37 AM
I have the One, Big Time, Ultimate Inferno, Intense Inferno, Absolute Inferno, XXX Cel, Monster SmashR, and ScreamR.

I want a reaction like the Absolute Inferno, but a little bit earlier read and a little bit more backend.
Title: Re: Pyro vs. Super Power
Post by: Noy on May 12, 2006, 12:38:02 PM
Hmm, I would say, if u wanted huge reaction like the inferno line, Go with the Paradigm or Pyro...if u wanted huge reaction with early breakpoint, go with Agent.
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
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Average: 130-160

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Title: Re: Pyro vs. Super Power
Post by: Slopsurprise on May 12, 2006, 03:04:53 PM
I would say the pyro it is like the Absolute but, it goes longer and has a bigger more angular backend. Its an impressive ball and I also find it very versatile myself.

Edited on 5/12/2006 3:03 PM