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Author Topic: R2S vs R2X  (Read 12506 times)


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R2S vs R2X
« on: June 30, 2009, 03:50:22 PM »
just wondering how the r2s is standing up compared to the r2x. Been hearing alot of bad thing about r2x and the virtual gravity dieing so quickly. Now from what ive seen with the r2s that cover stock was durable from what i saw from the       T roads is this true.If so would i be good to get the fast or furious and not half to worry about ball death like the r2x cover stock?



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Re: R2S vs R2X
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2009, 11:54:50 PM »
I don't think R2X is bad, a lot of people i know have a good amount of games on their Virtuals and with a little cleaning and they are still going strong. Basic maintenance IMO all but stops major ball death.

R2S i wouldn't say holds up any better than R2X, they both need some regular maintenance, but on the lanes R2X is definitely stronger,balls will pick up earlier and hook more, I can't say its the biggest difference in the world but there is definitely a pronounced difference between the two.


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Re: R2S vs R2X
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2009, 07:57:01 AM »
I still am using my first VIRTUAL GRAVITY that I got last November that has at least 300 games on it I would estimate.  With proper maintenance -- cleaning and Ab pads -- its current reaction is almost indistinguishable from original reaction.


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Re: R2S vs R2X
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2009, 10:38:01 AM »
I got my Gravity Shift - the first R2X coverstock ball on the market - January of last year and it still reacts exactly the same as the week I bought it... must have over 250 games at least.  Same as Riggs clean regularly and occasional abralon to renew the surface.

IMO both R2S and R2X are the most durable modern covers Storm has made.  If you maintain your equipment I would not worry about 'ball death'.


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Re: R2S vs R2X
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2009, 11:24:23 AM »
I've got a Gravity Shift for quite a while now, and I must say it has a whole boat-load of games on it and the only thing I've ever had to do was give it some fresh surface then shine it up again.  Takes well to surface changes, and the thing still hits like none-other.  In fact, I've loved the balls motion and lack of death by getting another G. Shift before they got discontinued.

Compared to an R2S cover, the R2X is stronger in the mid-lane.  It reads the lane earlier and has the same continuation.  It honestly reminds me a lot of the Paradigm and Paradigm Passion bowling balls in terms of serious mid-lane read but backend reaction.
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Re: R2S vs R2X
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2009, 11:39:36 AM »
Both are great coverstocks.  I love the Shift line w/R2S & the Gravity/Virtual Line w/R2X.  So far both are durable.  My Attitude is the only bowl w/a chunk taken out by the ball return during league play.  The house wouldn't do anything for me.  He blamed me for "whipping it down the lane at a 10 pin", which I did not do.  It was a solid, all ten in the pit, pocket shot, LoL.  And it was part of the return that spits the ball back onto the rack that caused it.  The whole machine vibrated & shook before spitting my ball out w/the chunk missing.  My captain & the other team's captain was standing right there when it happened.  Ooops, sorry bout the rant.


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Re: R2S vs R2X
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2009, 03:54:01 PM »
I have over 450 games on my gravity shift and I have only done one resurface at about the 400 game mark and it reacts great with minimal routine cleaning.  

I really feel the Virtual Gravity is over bought and over played and that has lead to people saying the cover is dieing.