A little back story on me. Ive been in quite a slump lately, either not being focused enough, or just making bad shots, or hitting over-under & not having anything to get out of that over-under zone.
My cell cracked out on me, & since i didnt throw it much at all anymore, i decided i wanted to get something to read a smidge earlier than my gravity shift, but still retain enough energy to carry the corners.
I decided on a Hy-road with a strong-ish pin. Everything i have is a 5" or more pin, above the fingers(i have a 350+ rev rate with about 17.5mph at the deck). I went with a 4.25" pin above the ring finger, no weight hole. The ball does EXACTLY what i wanted it to do. It gave me the extra movement to stay away from the track area & bump 10, rather than getting it closer to 5 where the over-under tends to occur after the first game.
The ball clears the heads nicely, gets a decent bit of roll in the midlane with an extremely controllable hard arc to the pocket. The carry is rediculous, i typically leave, at at minimum, 5+ 10 pins a night, tonight i left one....in the fill ball of the 3rd game.
Anyway, out of the box, i shot 219(4-9 first ball in the 10th) 279(9pin in the 8th), 242(missed the transition for a couple frames) for a 740, my highest series in a very long time.
Im lovin this ball!!!