I need help deciding which ball I should get to fill the gap between my Dimension and Fury Pearl. I am a med rev player, ball speed around 15mph bowling on a 39' THS.
I am thinking the Rapid Fire because I am replacing a Track Black Stomp(I was out of bowling for 5 yrs and just got back in, so this ball was still in good shape, but got cracked in a freak accident a few weeks ago) and thought another solid may be the way to go, but I have read that the Gravity Shift is so versatile that I am torn between the two.
The Dimension is Great when there is oil, but when bowling on the end closest to the entrance, there is a lot of heat(I live in the south) so the lanes, though not dry, seem to go dry out quicker and it's just too much ball. Also, the Fury Pearl jumps too hard off the back end. I have also thought about going with the Gravity Shift and dropping to a fifteen Lb.
Any suggestions?
Fury Pearl
Ebonite Yin&Yang