You guys have got it all straightend out for me! Man I do have my panties in a wad! After getting great information from 2 people with a combined knowledge of the game of a startling 3 YEARS, according to your profile, I'm convinced! First off I was, approached to be Storm Staff I was grateful for it and still am. Second, I just thought after answering a question on a topic it wasn't going to be a big deal. I followed up my first reply with another because I saw your profile and it speaks for itsself - took a look at yours too BrooklynSlop, not impressed - just figured you might want an alternative with PROFESSIONAL help. Last, but not least, I was approached with a better deal through AMF300.
Yes I will admit I was hesitant to sign on because in the past their product line was terrible. BUT...if someone shoots a 900 series with a ball, I'm going to try it out. You know what it was worth it. The Radar is great but the Radar Lock is better. I have no disrespect for Storm. Their product line is awesome.
I have every Storm, AMF, Columbia, Ebonite, and Hammer product in my store - some Brunswick. You know what guys take some advice who knows more. I've thrown EVERYTHING. Try a product until you bash it into the ground, and I'm glad to say I do have that luxury which you guys don't.
Proud AMF Amt. Staff
The Strike Zone Pro Shop of San Antonio