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Author Topic: Reactor Coverstock  (Read 3266 times)


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Reactor Coverstock
« on: December 23, 2007, 11:31:15 AM »
Alrighty, this is going to be mainly directed to people who have a a Reactor Pearl coverstock. I just got my Pyro water bathed and sanded to 2000 Abralon. The reaction I'm getting from it is much much different than what it had before I gave it the water bath, still at 2000 Abralon. Before it would go long and come in STRONG at the break; great for straight up the boards or a little belly (think Viper shot). Now after I got it done I was playing deeper than I ever have without much problem. My question to you Storm faithful is that does the Reactor coverstock naturally go long? B/c I'm not sure if I want to keep it at 2000 or try and bump it up to 4000. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Reactor Coverstock
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2007, 08:25:52 PM »
Just for information's sake, I am pretty sure that the Pyro is a Particle pearl, not "just" a resin pearl.

Did you buy it new?
What you're describing after the bath is more what I would expect to see froma Pyro in general.
And was it sanded to 2000 grit before you bathed it?

The stock polish would normally go longer than a Pyro sanded to 2000 grit, which would actually need slightly more oil to perform.

BAsically what I'm saying is IF you got it used, the previous owner may have allowed it to soak up enough oil to reduce its original performance. If you got it new, you may not have noticed the loss of performance which would be very gradual. Bathing it and removing would have rejuvenated it to almost new status.
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Re: Reactor Coverstock
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2007, 09:22:32 PM »
I got it new. I tried it out at OOB finish, and I hated it. Then I went to my driller and hit it with 2000 and it became very smooth. Then I bathed it after having it for about 10 months now, and went back to 2000 and it's monstrous. And I'm a stroker with medium speed at best, very low revs. And yeah, I know it's a pearl particle, but I was just curious b/c I've never seen the Fired Up or any other ball in the fire line in person to be honest, just someone else with a Pyro. Just curious to know if this is natural or not. But I love this ball, it absolutely crushes pins.
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Re: Reactor Coverstock
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2007, 09:33:54 PM »
I got it new. I tried it out at OOB finish, and I hated it. Then I went to my driller and hit it with 2000 and it became very smooth. Then I bathed it after having it for about 10 months now, and went back to 2000 and it's monstrous. And I'm a stroker with medium speed at best, very low revs. And yeah, I know it's a pearl particle, but I was just curious b/c I've never seen the Fired Up or any other ball in the fire line in person to be honest, just someone else with a Pyro. Just curious to know if this is natural or not. But I love this ball, it absolutely crushes pins.

From your description, I'm thinking that as you used it, it absorbed oil slowly over time, because of the slightly rough 2000 grit surface. Balls do not lose performance at one time, but slowly, over a long period, like your 10 months. You don't see that gradual loss. I'm guessing the bath extracted a lot of oil and yours became like new again.

Baths should probably be done more often than 10 months; usually every 60 - 100 is a safe margin, but if you can keep a close eye on it, gradual loss of hooking ability is a good sign that it's time for another bath.

The type and brand of resin coverstock makes little difference. ALL covers of all manufacturers absorb oil, at different rates. Eventually they all need some kind of revitalization.
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Re: Reactor Coverstock
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2007, 09:30:59 AM »
My experience with the pyro is this,

It was very strong out of the box. Too flippy for me and it would boomerang for me. I scuffed the cover very lightly and very quickly (5 seconds) with a wet and worn 500 abralon. Once you change the cover on it, it will never be back to what it was and it will be alot weaker almost like it died in a hurry. This happened in a very short amount of time. I bathed it, tried to get it to OOB per Storms instructions and I never got it back to what it was. A buddy of mine had the same experience but, another buddy has one that he has never messed with the cover. He has had it for over a year and still works great!

I have had success changing the cover on other reactor balls but, the one of the pyro seemed to be kind of weird after a cover change.

Edited on 12/24/2007 10:33 AM


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Re: Reactor Coverstock
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2007, 10:50:03 PM »
I'm sorry to hear that about you and your pal's Pyros I've played with this surface a ton and it takes to them quite naturally. At least, for me anywho. The ball is quite a piece, much stronger than I was anticipating. But the absolute explosion in the pocket has me sold. <3 Twin V
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Re: Reactor Coverstock
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2007, 08:50:39 PM »
I'm sorry to hear that about you and your pal's Pyros I've played with this surface a ton and it takes to them quite naturally. At least, for me anywho. The ball is quite a piece, much stronger than I was anticipating. But the absolute explosion in the pocket has me sold. <3 Twin V

What else was weird, mine and the buddys Pyro that had problems after the surface change were bought the first week they were out. Another weird part was the scent. They both smelled like cough syrup and it was very strong. If it was sitting in my office, the whole office smelled like it. My other buddys pyro (that didnt change the surface and had no problems) kind of smelled like Pipe tobacco. I emailed Storm and they had no clue.

Ya got me?


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Re: Reactor Coverstock
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2007, 08:59:16 PM »
Woooooow that really bites. I wonder if the batch you guys got yours from were weird or somethin. I would never want a ball that smelled like cough syrup. Mine smells strongly of grape...or at least I think it's grape. I can't really tell, but it smells GOOD. Maybe you should get Storm to replace it with something, if that's possible.
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