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Author Topic: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon  (Read 4640 times)


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Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« on: May 31, 2006, 07:32:17 AM »
Let me start out by saying I believe that Reactor coverstock from my limited use of it....may be the greatest coverstock for synthetics....I've ever seen or used!

For me...on my Hot Rod Super Sport pearl(not really pearly) it is smooth...reads harsh transitions very evenly and then once it does it very smoothly and persistently whether fresh or just keeps hummin at the pocket.

I believe I'm backed up on this by Robert Smith who in a recent and very candid interview...I believe he sort of said that he can't get enough of this coverstock.

Now I have not used this coverstock in pure pearl the Fired UP.
But just like the reviews all say....It is very similar to the Absolute Inferno.  But I've seen and it moves everybit as well!  Maybe better.
And that is great stuff.  I have also not tried the solid reactor.

But for me the Hot Rod SS Pearl is sort of a Hybrid solid pearl!

REgarding the others above...I believe there is still a great place for Curelyon.  Just a great push past the dry and then react hard....once you dig into the corner!  I've had wonderful skid snap results with my ElNino Wrath which is still one of the best heavy cored skid snap balls ever!  Also I have a new to me multi drill Hot Rod original....good easy length...big backend.

Curelyon is one of the great covers for traditional skid snap.  It can push well past harsh transitions.  Also though in comparison to reacter this one backs off in carrydown.  Much bigger move necessary in carrydown to keep on carrying in relation to the reactor great stuff above.

As to Monsoon...Though I am a big fan of it in solid!  Humungous reaction on dry and carrydown.  I found almost all of my pearls of the monsoon type to be very very sensitive to harsh wet dry barriors...can you say jump!

Somehow I found the Typhoon coverstock of the flashpoint etc to be an almost cousin of the Reactor.  Very continuous and not as jumpy as the monsoon pearl!

To sum up coverstock...I've ever used at least in HRSSP
Curelyon...still great for a great push past the dry barrior and then a roaring recovery!
Monsoon...great in solid...jumpy in pearl
Typhoon.... also continuous...I believe a forefather of the reactor!
PPS I have not used storm polishes on my monsoon and they may be an effect on this coverstock!
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2006, 04:01:27 PM »
I still own a very nice el nino original that i got used from kendra gaines, ball backends with anything made today. You are correct on the reactor coverstock thoughts it is a very versitile cover, it combats the activator covers and give storms ball a whole new look. I was really liking the dynothane balls made by storm now with the change to columbia i am up in the air about there little company. I will try there next release out and see where i stand, i also like rotogrip alot if you have tried the horizon and the epic battle you will understand my liking them. Tweaked storm covers that high diffs that push down the lane well and backend very hard, i shoot good numbers when i use these and some of the dynothane balls.

I got a gem from my proshop the ball is called x-factor x35 a particle pearl accutread cover called ultimate accutread pearl, these ball has the original x-factor core and the new cover. Clears the heads with ease and the mid lane and backend are very crisp on anything from light medium on up. If you can get find one of these i would highly recommend this ball to all.


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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2006, 04:15:02 PM »
OH yeah...a little more on old style Curelyon.

I love thsi stuff on Wood also.

I have had great results with Curelyon on a difficult shot on AMF synthetics around here....and have loved a Blue Hot on wood in the past...It could really does my Elnino Wrath!

Of the great coverstocks Storm has produced.

REactor #1(maybe greatest coverstock in the game).
Curelyon #2
Typhoon #3
Monsoon Solid...great Monsoon pearl #4.


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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2006, 05:46:26 PM »

I have 1 of each Reactor balls (hybrid, pearl reactive, and pearl particle reactive) and so far so good.  My Hybrid reacts exactly as you describe the Super Sport - smooth even through nasty wet-dry condition.  The Agent to me is the original X-Factor but cleaner through the heads with a similar backend.  The ball that is really surprising me though is the Ragin Banshee.  It is everything a weaker pearl particle should be - goes long / turns hard but with no overreaction.

As far as the other cover stocks are concerned I never was a Curelyon fan.  I agree, traditional skid / snap but it was never consistent for me.  My most hated Storm ball - the Barbed Wire - was a piece of *&%$.

Monsoon solid rocks!  My favorite solid ball of all time was the Super Charge.  Smooth roll and hits like a Mac Truck.  My daughter throws a Dark Thunder and except for the fact that it rolls a bit later than the Super Charge it has the same roll and hit.

I agree with the 'jumpy' comment around Monsoon Pearl.  Nice ball movement when you have a spot but a little too much hand and look out!

You may be right about the Reactor cover - but for me it is too soon to tell.  Storm seems to be going down the path of using Reactor in everything - 4 of the 6 new balls mentioned on are Reactor.  I do find it interesting that 2 of the balls will be using Accu-tread.  Looks like these balls will finally be replacing the Hit balls?


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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2006, 05:55:39 PM »
AUUUGH!  Barbed Wire was Pro-Glide - not Curelyon.. never mind

Power Charge Pearl was Curelyon - not a bad ball but the hit wasn't there for me.


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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2006, 06:02:48 PM »
Power Charge Pearl...same reaction for me!

YOu throw it good...because we almost agree on everything! is the article it almost sounds like he is saying something similar to what I am...

Smart guy...great bowler!

According to the big hands guy!
Great coverstocks in 98 rid of all the old stuff and's reactor!


PS though I don't own one...I've been impressed with the Ragin Banshee(reactor is the base) also(have thrown).  Similar to my great Icon2 from Columbia...maybe better and that was a very good ball!
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2006, 07:22:09 PM »
Curelyon...still great for a great push past the dry barrior and then a roaring recovery!

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..


Sorry, buddy, but I think, in this case, you're classifying ONLY the Curelyon pearlized balls. I have a Bolt Pro which uses solid Curelyon with a medium RG core with medium-low RG differential, and it'll out-smooth your Hybrid any day of the week (in my opinion).

For me, Curelyon is a real chameleon of a coverstock, one of the finest ever. It responds to the core and the ball's drilling like no other coverstock before or since. (And I am a definite lover of PowrKoil 18 and Super-Flex!) Anywhere from the flip-ability of the original Bolt Pearl, the Wrath, and the Blue Thunder to the smooth and oil-handling, and high flaring ability of solid Thunder series to the Bolt Pro's ultimate control, even more control than the fabled Tour Power.

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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2006, 06:17:47 AM »
Do not forget Accu-Tread and the related Pro-Thane particle coverstocks!

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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2006, 08:18:41 AM »

That's why I like My fired up so well. I can start at the begining of league and the ball will handle the transition from the first to the last game without a lot of change in reaction. The ball does not jump is hard off a dry spot as say my Crash would, but, My crash can get squirelly with too much oil, where the fired up will make a more continuious move.

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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2006, 11:41:11 AM »
Accutread on a strong core(ie Deuce) seems to be a very happy occurrence in my center(anvilanes with carrydown).

Accutread on the Hot Wire is almost almost!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2006, 06:10:08 PM »
Curelyon, I have a Hot Rod I love it when the shot gets dry and touchy. It also work well for me on the sport shots.

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2006, 06:38:00 PM »
I have a Dark Thunder which is a solid Monsoon and I am VERY happy with it.  Wow.
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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2006, 10:27:40 PM »
The original Thunder Storm was Curelyon. Major difference in that ball when you changed the surface prep. If you left the ball sort of dullish, it was pretty smooth, with a muted reaction until right when it was in front of the pins, then it had a little extra on the back for a hit.

Polish it and let it store energy -- egad. I still would have other bowlers come from several lanes down to ask me what I was throwing a year after that ball debuted. Pure skid/snap with almost unlimited recovery.


Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2006, 07:55:57 AM »
The original Thunder Storm was Curelyon. Major difference in that ball when you changed the surface prep. If you left the ball sort of dullish, it was pretty smooth, with a muted reaction until right when it was in front of the pins, then it had a little extra on the back for a hit.

Polish it and let it store energy -- egad. I still would have other bowlers come from several lanes down to ask me what I was throwing a year after that ball debuted. Pure skid/snap with almost unlimited recovery.


I have been thinking about polishing up my Dark Thunder but it is my only sanded ball.  What do you think?
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Re: Reactor, Monsoon, Typhoon and Curelyon
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2006, 03:55:18 PM »
The original Thunder Storm was Curelyon. Major difference in that ball when you changed the surface prep. If you left the ball sort of dullish, it was pretty smooth, with a muted reaction until right when it was in front of the pins, then it had a little extra on the back for a hit.

Polish it and let it store energy -- egad. I still would have other bowlers come from several lanes down to ask me what I was throwing a year after that ball debuted. Pure skid/snap with almost unlimited recovery.


I have been thinking about polishing up my Dark Thunder but it is my only sanded ball.  What do you think?
Current Arsenal:
Parker Bohn III

What do YOU think?

I think you're not thinking, if you polish it up, unless you only bowl in one place all the time on one oil pattern.
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