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Author Topic: REIGN SUPREME review by Storm Staffer Jeff Richgels  (Read 2511 times)


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REIGN SUPREME review by Storm Staffer Jeff Richgels
« on: October 10, 2010, 01:03:30 AM »
REIGN SUPREME – 5 1/4 Pin-PAP, 3 5/8 Pin-MB, 3 5/8 pin buffer. Pin is above bridge with CG kicked right in about a 60-degree drilling. Small weight hole on my axis. This copies the REIGN that I have had much success with, including an 867 series.

The REIGN SUPREME is a hybrid version of the REIGN and REIGN OF FIRE. It is designed to deliver better mid-lane read than the REIGN but get through the heads much easier than the ROF.

The REIGN is one of all-time favorite balls – definitely my "go to" when the lanes break down or on hooking fresh conditions.

However, the ROF has not worked well for me – the cover/core combination just seems too strong for my moderate rev rate (325)/ball speed (17.5-18) combo. I've tried a couple of drillings but always seem to get forced to deep with my feet to carry well.

However, I know plenty of people who have reverse views of these two balls (there has been a 900 with the ROF). More proof that what's good for one bowler isn't necessarily good for another!

As much as I liked the REIGN, I was very excited when the ROF came out because I was hoping to have the same type of look for more oil. When I heard about the REIGN SUPREME I hoped it would turn out to be what I'd hoped the ROF was going to be.

And so far it has.

The SUPREME rolls much stronger in the mid-lane than the REIGN and gets down the lane much better than ROF. The move it makes is very strong but not nearly as skid/flip as the REIGN.

I've heard others compare it to the HY-ROAD and I would definitely say that is true. I would say the SUPREME is slightly less aggressive than the HY-ROAD, as the SUPREME got down the lane with little problem in the two tournaments I've used it on and I'm pretty sure my HY-ROAD would have struggled in at least the wood one. The SUPREME also seems to roll through the pins more than the HY-ROAD, which has always been sharp at the pocket.

I'm think the SUPREME will be a great ball for fresh house shots where a ball with surface or my pin-down ANARCHY is just too strong. It also will play a roll in broken-down house and Sport shots where the REIGN isn't strong enough.

I don't see it being a ball for fresh Sport shots, although perhaps a touch of Ab pad might smooth it enough. I also don't see it being a ball for fall-back shots – I'll be saving the REIGN for that.

Like the HY-ROAD, the SUPREME is a ball to get in and wheel and watch it roar back and roll through the pins. The SUPREME may be even better at that because I think it gets through the front a little better than the HY-ROAD and makes a more controlled move at the breakpoint that is more rolly than flippy like the HY-ROAD.

I can't imagine any bowler who wouldn't be able to use the SUPREME – possibly as a benchmark on everything but heavy oil.

The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here: