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Author Topic: Reign Supreme vs Hy-Road  (Read 3971 times)


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Reign Supreme vs Hy-Road
« on: March 16, 2011, 05:37:44 AM »
I currently havea Hy-Road, which I really love. But it has a huge number of games on it and I think it is starting to die a little. I was wondering if the Reign Supreme might be a good replacement for the Hy-Road. I was thinking the CAM core might be give me a little more then the straight light-bulb core of the Hy-Road. Has anyone thrown these two and can tell me how close or not close they are? Thanks for the help.




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Re: Reign Supreme vs Hy-Road
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 01:46:29 PM »
My dad replaced a worn-out Hy-Roa with an almost identically drilled Reign Supreme. For him, the Reign Supreme is slightly longer, and a few boards stronger overall than what I remember his Hy-Road doing when it was new. The Hy-Road has really calmed down over time and is much smoother reacting now from a ton of game so I can't really do an exact comparison.


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Re: Reign Supreme vs Hy-Road
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 01:52:01 PM »
I found the Hyroad to dig in the midlane sooner the Reign Supreme.  The Supreme makes up for it in the back part of the lane.  Truthfully, imo can't go wrong with either.

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Re: Reign Supreme vs Hy-Road
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2011, 02:33:57 PM »
I picked up the Reign Supreme to replace my Hy-Road (both drilled the same, pin under ring and CG kicked out with weight hole near thumb).  I was so sold on the notion that the RS would replace my Hy-Road, I sold my Hy-Road a few weeks after buying the RS.  IMO, the Reign Supreme is not a replacement for a Hy-Road.  The RS is more a skid/flip whereas the Hy-Road is more of an arch.  The Hy-Road has more forgiveness if/when you throw a less than stellar shot, whereas the RS left me numerous 9 pins (I am a righty) and washouts due to the sharp turn on the backend.  I saw a few people shredding the lanes with the RS (before purchasing) and I even threw a few good sets with it (after purchasing).  After selling my Hy-Road and then growing tired of fighting the RS to get a consistent shot from night-to-night, I purchased another Hy-Road and haven't been happier.  Hope this helps. 



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Re: Reign Supreme vs Hy-Road
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2011, 03:52:53 PM »
 I was very skeptical about replacing my hy-road as well...went with the nomad dagger route and I didn't like it...but it makes sense as to why the victory road came into being...I wonder if the reign line is gone for good. My theory is if u find a absolutely great unreplaceable ball...u better stash a case of em in your closet.  I think many already have with the hyroad...

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Re: Reign Supreme vs Hy-Road
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2011, 04:22:46 PM »

mrwizerd wrote on 3/16/2011 2:33 PM:
I picked up the Reign Supreme to replace my Hy-Road (both drilled the same, pin under ring and CG kicked out with weight hole near thumb).  I was so sold on the notion that the RS would replace my Hy-Road, I sold my Hy-Road a few weeks after buying the RS.  IMO, the Reign Supreme is not a replacement for a Hy-Road.  The RS is more a skid/flip whereas the Hy-Road is more of an arch.  The Hy-Road has more forgiveness if/when you throw a less than stellar shot, whereas the RS left me numerous 9 pins (I am a righty) and washouts due to the sharp turn on the backend.  I saw a few people shredding the lanes with the RS (before purchasing) and I even threw a few good sets with it (after purchasing).  After selling my Hy-Road and then growing tired of fighting the RS to get a consistent shot from night-to-night, I purchased another Hy-Road and haven't been happier.  Hope this helps. 


+1,000.  I was just thinking about this. I sold my Hyroad shortly after getting a RS. Big mistake, the RS is one of those balls that I feel "should" work but doesnt. As a result, I use this ball when I shouldnt. Ive had several 630+ sets with no opens. As a previous poster eluded to, this ball is good at getting 9/.  Too responsive to friction, a dart in oil. For my game, this is an awful core/cover combo. With surface, 4000, the ball was ok, but nothing special. Ill be purchasing another hyroad.

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Edited by northface28 on 3/16/2011 at 4:26 PM
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Re: Reign Supreme vs Hy-Road
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2011, 02:53:13 AM »
In my arsenal with the same layout  my reign supreme is a tad earlier than the hyroad and more overall hook than the hyroad.


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Re: Reign Supreme vs Hy-Road
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2011, 07:37:02 AM »
Thanks eveyone. I appreciate the comments. I may just look into a new Hy-Road.....I think I can still find them. Please, if anyone else has some insights, I would love to hear. Thanks.




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Re: Reign Supreme vs Hy-Road
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2011, 09:06:48 AM »
I believe the Hy-Road is still in production....  You may want to look into and get a case while you still can.

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Re: Reign Supreme vs Hy-Road
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2011, 07:14:00 PM »
ive got a RS and have bowled 20+ 200 games with it, avg'g ~185ish, havent threw a HyRoad so cannot compare but for me right now the RS is kicking ass, yest got into leaving a few 9s and few 10s but not hard to pick up, just pissed me off


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Re: Reign Supreme vs Hy-Road
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2011, 07:57:59 AM »
I was pondering this myself considering that I have a Hyroad that I just sanded to 2000 to get it to read a bit earlier and yet there's still quite a gap to my Virtual Energy. But since it seems like from reading from everyone's comments that the Reign Supreme goes even longer, I doubt if that would be the solution to filling that hole.

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