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Author Topic: Reign under a Wild Thing?  (Read 720 times)


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Reign under a Wild Thing?
« on: May 14, 2010, 07:47:42 AM »
Have a Wild Thing drilled 5.5" pin to PAP, pin over bridge. 4000 abralon. Would a Reign drilled 5" pin to PAP, pin over bridge be a good step down, or at least provide a different look? To fit under the Reign, I have a QZ1 Red drilled 3.5" pin to PAP and a Mojave drilled 5.5" pin to PAP.


lil League Coach

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Re: Reign under a Wild Thing?
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2010, 09:34:12 PM »
I have rolled both.. Almost same scenerio.. I had a wildthing drilled 5" pin to PAP and I now have a Reign drilled 5.5 to PAP.. This is definitly not a step down.. The Reign is much more angular on the backend. The further you go away from your PAP this ball will push longer then the wild thing but be much more angular on the backend. I hope this helps
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