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Author Topic: reloaded question  (Read 1335 times)


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reloaded question
« on: November 22, 2003, 03:33:08 AM »
I have a chance to buy a used reloaded with less than 10 games.

It is a 4 -5 pin drilled pin under bridge cg kicked out dwon by thumb.  I assume it has to have a wt hole to balance the thumb/pos wt out.

What will this drill do on this ball?  Is this an oiler?  any thoughts on the reloaded?




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Re: reloaded question
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2003, 04:14:56 PM »
My buddy has a Reloaded, hes right handed, I am left, the ball is set up fairly aggressive for him and I hook it as much as most of my equipment. On our std house shot, I went 257-248-255 for a series using it in practice one day, playing 3rd arrow out to about 8. Ball hit hard for me, have also considered getting one, possibly his. I see it as a big hooker on a medium oiled shot, but not a flood ball by any means, that is the Fear Factor.
This post was brought to you by just another lefty hack who considers covering corners bonus pins added to the series....