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Author Topic: Replacement for Storm Second Dimension  (Read 1934 times)


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Replacement for Storm Second Dimension
« on: September 14, 2019, 11:32:43 AM »
I am looking for a good replacement for my Second Dimension, which finally died after about 8 years.  I found that with polish, it was great for the 3rd game of my first shift league.  Scuff with 4000, and it was great for games 1 and 2. 
So, what would give a similar range of usability both with and without polish? 



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Re: Replacement for Storm Second Dimension
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2019, 11:41:15 AM »
Maybe an Idol Pearl, but not really from what I've seen. Hope people that own one can chime in. However, if you are familiar with the Prodigy (similar to the Second Dimension, a little earlier and smoother), I think the 900G Eon is close to that. It rolls the most like a pearl particle in my opinion.
League: Pitch Purple, Destiny Magenta
Testing: MVP
Interests: Black Widow, Proof Solid, Idol Pearl


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Re: Replacement for Storm Second Dimension
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2019, 12:39:58 PM »
I've had both the second dimension and the eon and agree with 2handedrook12.  To be fair, it's been a while since my second dimension has been in my bag (maybe 4 years), so i have not thrown them side by side, but going off of my memory of all the time i had on the 2D I'd say the Eon is close and would be worth consideration.  Eon is a tad more imo, but my 2D was also getting pretty dead when i retired it.

Part of me thinks the idol pro might be similar as well with as clean and responsive as it seems.  I have not thrown one of those though, just an educated guess from watching videos.
Current 'go-to's: 
- Badger Infused 50 x 5 x 30
- Truth Tour 70 x 4 x 70
- Black Widow Gold 35 x 5 x 30
- Eon 70 x 4 x 70

Coming soon:
Volt, Hyroad Nano, Flux