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Author Topic: Returning bowler seeking advice  (Read 781 times)


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Returning bowler seeking advice
« on: December 23, 2009, 02:52:19 PM »
First Post:

  I have recently returned to bowling after a 12 year forced absence (Ends of bowling fingers mashed off). I am currently averaging 201 after 30 games of league play. I would classify myself as a tweener with medium revs and average around 15mph on ball speed. I generally start my league shot from about 15-17 at the arrows out to 5 and back to the pocket.  I am interested in getting back into tournaments and want to round out my arsenal. I currently have:

1)Dimension: Drilled pin over ring finger, CG shifted slightly to right of center of my palm.
2)Second Dimension drilled almost exactly as the dimension.
3)Ebonite Turbo X (yes, I said a Turbo X)

   I am looking to build an arsenal to cover the range of Lane conditions I might encounter with league play and tournaments in the near future. I have really enjoyed the reaction I get from the Dimension/Second Dimension and would like to stay within the Storm family (Open to Roto Grip Suggestions). I am aware the cores of all the other balls are different, thus ball reaction characteristics can be assumed to be different as well. I Have been thinking of adding:

1) High Road- Drilled similar to the Dimensions.
2) Furious drilled pin under.
3) Fast- drilled similar to Furious.
4) Natural- For those Dried out conditions I may encounter in Tournaments.

  I have been looking at the Reign and the soon to be released Reign of Fire and I am thinking they may end up overlapping the Dimension/Second Dimension I currently have. I am looking for suggestion to help round out my arsenal and would like to know what those who are more familiar with Storm/Roto Grip lines of products would do differently and why. The equipment has changed a lot since I was a bowling regularly. Thank you in advance for your time.
Jeremy W.



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Re: Returning bowler seeking advice
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2009, 11:43:18 PM »
Personally I wouldnt get anything drilled the same because it could cause an overlap but my storm/roto arsenal would be as followed

Heavy Oil: Invasion and a Virtual Energy
Medium Oil: Nomad and Nomad Pearl
Low Oil: Natural (complete burnt shot) and Mars (for drier lanes with the natural isnt enough)
Ryan "Junk" Pitman
Ebonite amateur staff
Indianapolis IN.

the pooh

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Re: Returning bowler seeking advice
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2009, 12:22:53 AM »
You have some good ideas. Consider a Cell or two in your arsenal somewhere for medium to heavy conditions. These balls are unique in the world of bowling. There is something special about the cores of the Cells. I believe them to be the biggest advance in bowling balls in the last 40 years! I can't imagine being without a Cell. They are totally user friendly, easy to layout, easy to control, and carry incredibly! For me, A Cell gives me two extra boards of area( 1 left of target, 1 right of target) that will not only get to the pocket, but will carry! Any bowler knows that having two extra boards is huge! If I were to buy cells now, it would be the Pearl and the Mutant, although they are all winners. On many conditions, having a Cell will give you a tremendous advantage over those without them.
the pooh
the pooh