Ball Layout is 5 1/2 x 4MB. pin 1 inch above bridge.
I bought this ball for heavier volumes, and that it has not been. Lately our house has been using their old machine, which is putting out a fairly long and heavy pattern. All my ball does is skate, and when it does react it is to late, this is in OOB condition. I have to play right up the boardss, and have to slow my speed down. 1st game was my worst in years and it was a 118. haha. opens gallore,
WEll I thought It was just to much ball for the condition, because good shots sometimes that made pocket would leave ten pins. So I decided to take it down to 2000 abarlon an polsih it up to store some energy. Wrong idea, now it would hardly ever make it back to the pocket, and when it would it would be a such a late turn it wouldn't carry the ten.
My Code was hanging with it in the oil, about the same move.
In Evansville On a true medium condition with clean backends, I get a fantastic reaction, that will let me play deep if I want to. Thing is even on the pattern it just gets effortlessly to long of length. I tried using my Dimension on this pattern before, and I had to fight to keep it on the rights side of headpin, that is what I was looking for in the Virtual.
I am going to try to dull it down to around 800-1000 grit, and see if that helps. Or maybe think about a balance hole, I just don't want it to overflare, I am already getting around 5 inches I think, not sure on that.
Anyone having this problem. This ball has turned out to be a Medium oil ball so far.
What is sandbagging???
Edited on 2/12/2009 10:20 PM