For med-heavy oil with your speed and rev rate, polish would probably not work. It would work if the back ends were very clean, but I don't think thats the direction you want to go in.
I would try 2000 Ablaron first and ask your pro shop to sand the ball to 2000 Ablaron unless you have the pads and the knowledge. If that still isn't enough, take it down to 1000, but I would take it down one step at a time.
I find though that when I incrrrease my rev rate with the VG, carry is tremendously better. I read that your speed is slow and your rev rate is limited, but I think this is one of those balls that like to be reved up a little regardless of speed. Now thats just my opiniion and I'm sure others have had luck even with limited rev rate.
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)