I agree that a pearl particle is the way to go, but I'm not so sure about the Pyro. I like the cover a lot, and I've seen good things out of that line, but I haven't been very successful with a lot of the snappier equipment. I believe that with the Pyro you drill into the cap, which is going to make it snappier correct? The reason I polished my X Factor up was to take some of the snap off the ball. It did, and now it carries beautifully, but its more condition specific. My dad throws a Pyro, and it snaps an awful lot for his style. (he's more of a roller) I'm a little wary of getting it for this reason. I know I could drill it for a smoother motion, but I'd also like to be able to open up the lanes some more. Also, I think if I try to fight the natural motion of the ball too much, it isn't going to end well.