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Author Topic: Sherman leaves Brunswick and signs with Storm!  (Read 7889 times)


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Sherman leaves Brunswick and signs with Storm!
« on: January 03, 2021, 10:33:19 AM »
Sorta shocked.



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Re: Sherman leaves Brunswick and signs with Storm!
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2021, 12:58:17 PM »

Well when the whole Brunswick/Mag 7 attitude is to dump 8 new releases every month who cares about the reviews, ball is replaced by something magically better in no time. There's room for a lot of companies in industry, and I love that you can buy 4 month old mexican made balls for 60 bucks NIB, but damn, as someone that works in a pro shop we cannot stock any of their releases, which then in turns to customers turning to the Motiv and Utah brand balls we have in stock when they are impulse buying.

Sorry for off topicness.

Still think the Sherman move was a lot about the backing Storm is giving to help them grow the youtube channel and the additional revenue and opportunities that will come from that.

I agree that Brunswick needs to consolidate their brands.  I would like to see them keep Brunswick, Radical, Hammer, and Ebonite.  DV8, Columbia, and Track could probably go away and no one would really notice.  I love the $60 NIBs as well, and that is when I usually buy.  I have never paid full price for a Brunswick branded ball, and probably wouldn't knowing they go on closeout after a few months.


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Re: Sherman leaves Brunswick and signs with Storm!
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2021, 04:31:06 PM »
I am not on staff. But in my opinion, Roto Grip and Storm have been the best match up for me. Been using them since 2010. Will not switch to any other brand.  I think the switch will help Sherman make the cut more often, and eventually win.
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