Well the solid is, obviously, going to give you an earlier read on the lane in oil. On medium conditions and lighter conditions the solid tends to lose quite a bit of energy before hitting the pins, so be sure there is enough head oil to give you the highest carry percentage.
I find the solid to be much more EVEN off the break point, so even if you hit a medium condition where you find both the pearl and solid can actually matchup, if the condition is tighter or if the backends are really sharp (or even if they are carried-down!), the T-Road Solid will be a better choice.
Really, the differences are the basic "Pearl vs. Solid". I liked my T-Road PEARL with a pin-down drilling better. I've had 4 of them now and the pin-down seems to be more versatile and controllable off the breakpoint. However, I threw a couple demo T-Road SOLIDs before drilling up my first one (yes, I say first because I WILL be drilling a second), and I found the pin-up drilling matched up with me better on the solid. The pin down was just way too early. So, I chose the pin up drilling on the SOLID and I absolutely love it.
Keep in mind that I am a higher rev player.
I will probably be drilling up another solid with a pin down drilling, but I'm going to polish it up. I've not thrown or even seen this ball shined yet. If anyone has any input on polishing this ball, I'd love to hear it.
Take care.
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