I bought the special agent thinking it might be a similar but stronger version of the Super Charge. I've read about the great midlane and continuation but man, mine goes 50 feet and then has a hockey stick reaction into the pocket. It's drilled with the pin under and slightly to the right of my ring finger-4 1/4 from my pap-with the cg kicked out about 45 degrees with an axis hole 1 inch below my val.
It is great in medium heavy oil but leaves a lot of weak 10's if it doesn't come off the dry and/or finish flush in the pocket.
I shot 268 with it in league out of the box and then it was all down hill from there. The next league session I went 235 then left several weak 10 pins, switched to a Hammer Pain and salvaged the night (now there's a ball that finishes hard).
So, despite the hockey stick reaction the SA is performing well on fresh oil, but after that it's over/under and weak.
I'm thinking we kicked the cg out too far and should have placed the axis hole lower relative to the thumb. Any other ideas?
Edited on 4/22/2007 2:38 AM