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Author Topic: Shift = Paradigm on steroids  (Read 6060 times)


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Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« on: February 07, 2007, 03:25:58 PM »
I used this ball game 3 tonight and the explosive midlane and backend of this is simply amazing to put it simple. Drilled pin under ring 4 1/4 pin to pap and mb 4 inches to pap, no weight and pin,cg,mb all nice inline.

If you think your Paradigm hooked well this new cover and core combo will make you change your mind about the Paradigm and Domination balls. The backend flip is one of the fastest change of directions will ever see from a ball. It let me toss right and watch it roar back on a shot where the Big Shot was not able to recover from tonight.

I am not the biggest Storm ball fan but this ball will a ball i might actually keep around awhile, which for me is big deal. Get ready to move inside and toss it out there because if it does it for me, i would hate to see what anyone with revs and tilt will do with this ball.



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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2007, 11:45:53 AM »
The ball is medium oil it is particle pearl, i bowl on newer brunswick Synthetics so they are not hook the whole world for most bowlers. The ball is not heavy oil and it does not say that on there website, it is good ball very hard turning off the breakpoint.

I did bowl scratch leagues before so i would think you could figure out that 90's and 110's are a joke. I do not claim to be that good so that is why i post the 90's because average means nothing on here. My 249 average bowler on my team shot under 500 last night does that make him bad????  No it means the lanes were tough for him and not me, he is a better bowler than me day in and out. But i am far from being bad and know it, i am not good but not bad either, i should average 210 plus but screw up single pins in the middle of strings every week.


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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2007, 11:48:18 AM »
mrbowlingnut/Barry is a well known forum user and probably the #1 user that buys and uses the most bowling balls on this forum.  I appreciate his input.  His comparison to a Big Shot was helpful to me.  Barry's game and mine are not alike but after knowing some about Barry thru his posts I can make an educated guess.




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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2007, 01:51:24 PM »
It doesn't change a thing..however, Barry (mrbowlingnut) is actually a decent bowler and his profile means NOTHING...just like anyone can come on here and type whatever they want in a doesn't mean squat until you can verify it. Barry may not be PBA caliber, but if he could make spares he would be deadly.

Bottom line, you read his profile, got out of whack thinking this guy averages 90 and is telling us about ball reaction....Barry has bought probably 400-500 balls in the past few if anyone knows ball reaction from one company to another, with hands on experience, it would be Barry.




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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2007, 09:48:50 PM »
Agree with Barry after a dozen shots with a Shift......left turn Clyde.  



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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2007, 10:00:14 PM »
Scott i am glad it works well for you, i do not think this is ball that anyone that knows how to release a ball will have a problem hooking. Is it the hardest off the point you ever seen for you??? Just curious because only my Angular One moves this much for me and my ball roll, i like the angular one alot and mine is at 2000 abrlon no polish. What is your drilling and reaction???


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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2007, 10:34:48 PM »
I guess since this is a bowling forum where you are supposed to rate and compare bowling balls so others can gauge from your posts, if someones profile says their average is in the 90's, not a typo, how can you take them serious?  Storms website contradicts your post and another member questioned you on it and you didn't have much of a reply. Sorry.

Not to start a fight with you, but you're the one misreading things here and further arguing on your part isn't going to change that you're in the wrong.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don't know who mrbowlingnut is, but now you've got a handful of other long-time forum members trying to straighten you out, so please, take our advice.

As for the medium oil-heavy oil thing, most balls that advertise length plus angular reaction at the breakpoint are geared for medium, or medium-heavy at most. It's rare to find a ball that will handle 45 feet of soup and turn hard left or right at the breakpoint. And by "rare," I mean it basically doesn't exist outside of balls that are illegally set up.

Watch the pros; on the heaviest patterns, they're playing arc-shaped shots -- the smart ones are, anyway. And I've found that what most people refer to as "heavy oil" in the league vernacular isn't anywhere close. I bowl with a guy right now who thinks we bowl on heavy oil at league, but I'm using a twice-plugged Roto Retro Resurrection that is oil-soaked within an inch of its life, playing out to 5 and watching it zoom back on the back. Heavy oil, that ain't.



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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2007, 04:32:46 AM »
I guess since this is a bowling forum where you are supposed to rate and compare bowling balls so others can gauge from your posts, if someones profile says their average is in the 90's, not a typo, how can you take them serious?  Storms website contradicts your post and another member questioned you on it and you didn't have much of a reply. Sorry.

Not to start a fight with you, but you're the one misreading things here and further arguing on your part isn't going to change that you're in the wrong.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don't know who mrbowlingnut is, but now you've got a handful of other long-time forum members trying to straighten you out, so please, take our advice.

As for the medium oil-heavy oil thing, most balls that advertise length plus angular reaction at the breakpoint are geared for medium, or medium-heavy at most. It's rare to find a ball that will handle 45 feet of soup and turn hard left or right at the breakpoint. And by "rare," I mean it basically doesn't exist outside of balls that are illegally set up.

Watch the pros; on the heaviest patterns, they're playing arc-shaped shots -- the smart ones are, anyway. And I've found that what most people refer to as "heavy oil" in the league vernacular isn't anywhere close. I bowl with a guy right now who thinks we bowl on heavy oil at league, but I'm using a twice-plugged Roto Retro Resurrection that is oil-soaked within an inch of its life, playing out to 5 and watching it zoom back on the back. Heavy oil, that ain't.


If you don't want to start a fight you should have PMed me.  If you read some of the first replies, I wasn't the only one who was confused by his post.


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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2007, 06:26:23 AM »
If you were referring to me, I wasn't confused at all.  Since he compared it to the original Paradigm, which is a medium-heavy ball according to Storm's website, I decided to ask if he thought it was mis-labeled on Storm's website.  There was no confusion, I was merely asking his opinion which he gave and I understood quite well.

Now, how would you compare it to the Domination?  Similar reaction but will not quite handle as much oil?  Better yet, since I have a Power Machine, how would you compare it to that  (assuming if what Clint has said is true that you have tried just about every ball from every manufacturer)  ?  Mine in OOB condition seems to handle a decent amount of oil.

Track Power Machine
Storm Paradigm Passion
Storm Eraser Ragin' Banshee
Lane#1 Crystal Diamond


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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2007, 06:38:15 AM »
Scott i am glad it works well for you, i do not think this is ball that anyone that knows how to release a ball will have a problem hooking. Is it the hardest off the point you ever seen for you???

Yes, I'd agree Barry one of the hardest changes of directions I have seen.  I don't have an Angular One but compared to The One it is a harder move off the spot although my The One is not as hard as it once was with over 100 games on it now with regular maintenance.  I am hoping the new Storm R2S Pearl Particle holds up longer than some of the other covers.

What is your drilling and reaction???

I laid it out for maximum hook.  My stats. in profile.  Pin over ring 5" to PAP and 5" to MB/Key.  75 deg. layout.  +5" of flare very tight flare rings with no X hole.  3/8" pos. 5/8 oz. finger.  

On testing......I haven't had enough time with it but on heavier last night with   a game or so I could surprisingly play close to the track than I thought I would be able to.  For me I think it will be more of a medium ball.  I'd use something  else on heavier to break them down before I moved in or to same line.  Time will tell. I bought it for a high dollar tourney next weekend when heads break down and I'll be deeper.  I believe the Shift will shine there.



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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2007, 10:27:09 AM »
trogdor for you or anyone else that pms me i will throw any ball i have side by side per say. I do have most of the current stuff but i dump stuff off of here regularly, i have about 5-6 guys that get first cracks at stuff that are more brand loyal. They keep in touch and i sell alot of stuff that never see the buyers/sellers forum, so if you seek specific balls you are looking for if i want to get rid of it i contact you first. The Shift and Phoenix when and if i sell are already sold believe it or not, i give stuff a fair chance and if after a tweak here or there it does not work right for me i sell it.

I have slowed down quite a bit but during megabucks, it is hard to turn down the deals i get offered during this time. Good for me and bad really since it is an addiction problem i have working on but i just like trying new things. One local guy that posts on the board says i protray myself as the almighty on BR that i act like a 240 plus average pro. Well if you really read any of my posts you will see i am average joe  bowler that is not saying how great something it because i do not have to worry about being fired from being on staff. I try to help people it is hard not seeing what conditions you are bowling on and your style of play, so if i will compare the Power Machine and Shift for me and give you a fair heads up for my use.

Sorry to ramble but the ball is stronger than the domination i believe, i sold it off a month ago so cannot compare head to head. For me the domination was all backend and glided through the heads, it was way to straight for me in medium-heavy oil. I am going to use the Power Machine and Shift tonight in a carrydown plagued house, if i cannot matchup with either i will post that too.


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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #26 on: February 09, 2007, 11:35:43 AM »
I guess since this is a bowling forum where you are supposed to rate and compare bowling balls so others can gauge from your posts, if someones profile says their average is in the 90's, not a typo, how can you take them serious?  Storms website contradicts your post and another member questioned you on it and you didn't have much of a reply. Sorry.

Not to start a fight with you, but you're the one misreading things here and further arguing on your part isn't going to change that you're in the wrong.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don't know who mrbowlingnut is, but now you've got a handful of other long-time forum members trying to straighten you out, so please, take our advice.

As for the medium oil-heavy oil thing, most balls that advertise length plus angular reaction at the breakpoint are geared for medium, or medium-heavy at most. It's rare to find a ball that will handle 45 feet of soup and turn hard left or right at the breakpoint. And by "rare," I mean it basically doesn't exist outside of balls that are illegally set up.

Watch the pros; on the heaviest patterns, they're playing arc-shaped shots -- the smart ones are, anyway. And I've found that what most people refer to as "heavy oil" in the league vernacular isn't anywhere close. I bowl with a guy right now who thinks we bowl on heavy oil at league, but I'm using a twice-plugged Roto Retro Resurrection that is oil-soaked within an inch of its life, playing out to 5 and watching it zoom back on the back. Heavy oil, that ain't.


If you don't want to start a fight you should have PMed me.  If you read some of the first replies, I wasn't the only one who was confused by his post.

Or, you could have PMed mrbowlingnut, couldn't you?



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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2007, 11:42:25 AM »
First it's good to see you've admitted your addiction.The next step is to quit enabling the 4-5 others you mentioned and break this vicious cycle.I will PM you an anonymous address in Michigan where you can ship all those evil balls creating this addiction and put end the enabling and get those others on the road to recovery.

Now to my question.In YOUR experience what was the most reliable ball you've used on fresh medium oil in the last year?The question is deliberately vague.You may define the condition any way you wish and form your answer based on your understanding of the condition.
It's all about the X


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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #28 on: February 09, 2007, 11:57:50 AM »
Thanks mrbowlingnut.  I am looking forward to your comparison of the two.  I love Storm, but winning the Power Machine has got me liking Track as well.
Track Power Machine
Storm Paradigm Passion
Storm Eraser Ragin' Banshee
Lane#1 Crystal Diamond


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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2007, 12:05:39 PM »
Rackattack this is going to be pretty easy for me believe it or not I will still list a few that are close to the holy grail of all medium oil balls.

The winner by knockout and still the champ

Vapor Zone with assymetrical flip drilling there is never too much oil or too dry at least out my way for this ball not to shine.

All others below are great balls for me:

Horizon Solid 4 1/2 x 4 i have 2 one with weight hole below pap on the val and one without weight hole. Same exact drillings added to the weight hole just to change reaction and guess what it rolls way different much earlier ball.

Legends Black Pearl i like this cover and core matchup better than the ns2 or new standard expensive ball but very hard hitting. The cost keeps it from being number 1 but it is a true benchmark type of ball.

Angular One at 2000 no polish it gets jumpy when the head oil goes but with this ball just take a 5 board more left move target 2 boards left and let it fly. The move for me of this ball is sometimes too much i am forced to swing this ball alittle but for me swinging is say 14 to 5 and back.

I get nosebleeds inside of 4 th arrow, i have only bowled on wood about 5-6 times and when i do i can play 4-5 th arrows. I bowled a state tournament in Ely, Nevada in an old wood house playing between 5th and 6 th arrows, Mvpbolwer on here was my teamate and he was lofting the gutter caps playing 7 th arrow with Plastic so that tells you i have alittle hand by not much. Believe me i am not rev less like i sometime lead on, my roll is very forward in motion not alot of tilt. I have been told a few times that i am a heavy roller which is more true than just saying power stroker, i would estimate around 300 rpm's.

I hope this gives you more of an idea of what my style is like, i might post a video of just my ball roll and not let you see my form. I get called the statue of liberty all the time, my left knee is pretty much shot i have under 10 percent knee cartlidge left in both knees.


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Re: Shift = Paradigm on steroids
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2007, 12:55:34 PM »
Heres what happened friday night at league for me, i used the shift and power machine in warmup they were not cutting it with the carrydown of this house it is a hole trust me on this. I ended up using a Big Sot in oob which made the corner but still nothing special really, i needed something like the infinite one or fury which this time i did not bother to carry with me. I shot 206 with the Big Shot so it was ok but nothing that great, so i changed to the shift.

I went to the Shift a few shots to start game 2, the ball was dead straight so changed to lane masters big-r-bang that i had played with the surface with the same night. It would roll up ok but nothing i had that night had sharp move for me. I shot 209 did not miss a spare which for me is rare honestly.

Game 3 tried the shift again to start the game again, ball was still pretty straight so i said screw it and pulled out the power machine. If i stayed under and behind the ball it would actually finally make a decent move to the pocket. I liked it after the shot had broken down some it did make through the carrydown much better than the Shift and Big-R-Bang. I left some very solid leaves but spared them so it was all good, i ended up shooting 202 but the roll was very true and it could have been a 230 plus with some pin love going on. For me the Shift does not like carrydown or the pattern at this house at all, being i suck and do not know what i am really whether it is the pattern or carrydown. At the other house the South Point the Shift is more ball than i have ever rolled there so far to date. At Sunset Lanes the hole of a house it is so far a straight rolling dog, i will try it again this wednesday at south point and i am pretty sure it will kill the house again there.

So if you have a squirrley shot i might wait and see what for another bolwer the shift rolls like first, if you have nice fresh shot and strong backends it will kick some azz. The Power Machine at south point is usually too much ball to give a fairier comparision, so it is matchup more than anything else.
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