Ball buying idiot to the rescue here

I just got my t-road pearl last wednesday night used it 2 different shots and lane surfaces. You are dead on the the t-road is smooth upfront and makes a very readable transition to dry boards. The term in my crazy mind is angular transition not a sharp move but not really an arc either. The last ball i have threw with the same move was the silver diamond buzzsaw, for me it was more a rolly arc that never stopped.
My shift is almost the same move upfront but when it hits dry backends without alot of carrydown watch out it keeps on hooking and hooking. Being i have a pin under ring shift with an assymetrical flip drilling it does not surprise me any though.
I happen to have 2 of the angular ones and the one i have in box finish is more skid/snappy off the dry boards but less control than the shift. When using the Shift i can tell you i know 2/1's and 1/0's moves will work correctly but with the angular one it tends to not come up enough when you do larger moves. Probably the 4k and polish versus the 1500 and polish surface differences thinking about this, i would think the shift would be more over/under if it had same exact surface as the angular one.
T-road pearl control
Shift thats the right name for this ball, it should called the huge shift oops that might be the next one.
Angular one yes very angular i like the 2k matte ball better than oob.