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Author Topic: Shift vs. Angular  (Read 3220 times)


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Shift vs. Angular
« on: March 13, 2007, 01:49:38 AM »
I have an Angular and its my favorite ball right now, even over my Total NV. I was wondering if the Shift was a similar type of ball or very different. Im not looking for the same exact ball but just something that can compliment my Angular.

I have my AO drilled to skid/flip hard at the backend.

How does the Shift compare?

  Current Arsenal  
* Ebonite Total NV - Heavy                
* Ebonite Angular One - Heavy
* Brunswick Total Inferno - Heavy
* Track Power Machine - Medium/Light
* Track Freak - Retired
* Ebonite The One - Retired
* Ebonite Big One - Retired

Curent Average
* Monday   - 176
* Thursday - 162


Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Shift vs. Angular
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2007, 12:52:31 PM »
I would grab the T-Struck over the Jolt but that's just me.
In remembrance of Clean N' Dull and Power Wash.  You are not forgotten.

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Shift vs. Angular
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2007, 12:54:40 PM »
Ballitus Syndrome.

Guy: I have Ballitus Syndrome.
Girl: And I don't.
Guy: And we're trying to keep it that way.

I think they make a pill for that, but the side-effects are rough.
In remembrance of Clean N' Dull and Power Wash.  You are not forgotten.


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Re: Shift vs. Angular
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2007, 11:43:42 AM »
Very different.  The Shift has a strong midlane, with a good hard arc on the backend.  
Looking at you signature, I can offer some advice.  First off, you have Three oil balls and a Power Machine that you call medium/light.  The Power Machine is not a true Medium/Light ball.  It can be used on mediums, but when you get to true lights and burnt out stuff, its all gonna be a way to much. If you want to add to your arsenal, look for something in a lower price point.  High Price DOES NOT equal High Scores, and you would benefit from something like a Jolt or even a Thunderstruck a lot more than a Shift.  Furthermore, your arsenal also has three heavy oil balls.  How many oil balls do you need? I know that in your profile you say that you have lower revs, but that does not mean you need three oil balls.  You seem like you may have a slight case of Ballitus Syndrome.  That is a condition that I named for people that always want a new ball, or change balls frequently.  Most of the time the ball doesnt make that much difference.  On a house shot, almost every ball is going to provide as similar reaction.    
Moving on, I also see in your profile that you have been bowling for just 1 year and have average 162 and 176.  You will gain much more from a few lessons with a good coach than you will by buying another $200.00+ ball.  

In a nutshell.  At you experience level, I highly reccomend you get some lessons/coaching long before you get another ball.  If you insist on adding another ball to your arsenal, add something from a lower line.  NOT a High Performance piece.

I have a coach and he is my driller also. I've never paid $200 for any of the balls I have. I buy them used with less then 6 games on them,for $100 drilled. There are guys around here who buy balls, throw them a few times and then set them on the floor at the pro-shop. I get em for cheap cuz my driller and I are pretty koo.

My Power Machine is drilled leverage I believe, pin kicked out a little past my ring finger, cg in the palm, with no X hole. and very rolly, which I like but it works a lot better in medium/light conditions in comparison to my angular and total inferno. I dont like my Total NV so Im looking to sell it and buy some new shoes with the money. I've always like storm but dont have a storm ball right now, so Im looking to maybe get one and Ive heard this ball hooks a ton. My average was 172 about 6 weeks ago, but Ive shot 600+ 5 weeks in a row so Im not really as much a beginner as my average shows. I feel as though I'v actually turned the corner and learned to throw strikes consistently while repeating shots on a more regular basis then I had been.  Thanks for the info.

  Current Arsenal  
* Ebonite Total NV - Heavy                
* Ebonite Angular One - Heavy
* Brunswick Total Inferno - Heavy
* Track Power Machine - Medium/Light
* Track Freak - Retired
* Ebonite The One - Retired
* Ebonite Big One - Retired

Curent Average
* Monday   - 176
* Thursday - 162


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Re: Shift vs. Angular
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2007, 02:32:34 PM »
You still have much to learn.  

Like I said, the Storm Ball that is $$$ is the Thunderstruck $olid.  Id look that way.  Additionally, if you feel that you can throw strikes, now is the time to really work on your spare game.  The difference between a 170 Average and a 210 average is 3 Spares.
Edit: Im glad you also have a coach, and know what your doing with equipment.  Nothing makes me more mad than when a new bowler blows hundreds on equipment, but refuses to understand that he is the one throwing the ball.

Thats very interesting because there are a ton of things I cant wait to get working on this summer, with spares and timing at the top of the list.

I shot at them pretty well this past moday on missing 3 total throughout the 3 game set. I missed 2 straight 10 pins to open the 2nd game, and then finished it clean after a clean 1st game. Then I split in the 3rd game for my only open so I rolled my spares much better on Monday. We'll see what happens tomorrow night.

  Current Arsenal  
* Ebonite Total NV - Heavy                
* Ebonite Angular One - Heavy
* Brunswick Total Inferno - Heavy
* Track Power Machine - Medium/Light
* Track Freak - Retired
* Ebonite The One - Retired
* Ebonite Big One - Retired

Curent Average
* Monday   - 176
* Thursday - 162


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Re: Shift vs. Angular
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2007, 02:44:57 PM »
if youre averaging under 180, and still buying all that top end equipment.  whatever pro-shop selling that stuff should be shut down.

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Shift vs. Angular
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2007, 02:47:25 PM »

Anyway, this week I was watching our scratch league and watching some of the better bowlers.  They seemed to roll the ball just like me, carry just like me, get robbed just as much as me, but the only difference was that they made most if not all of their spares.

Yeah I would say the spare game is the most vital part of scoring well.
In remembrance of Clean N' Dull and Power Wash.  You are not forgotten.

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Shift vs. Angular
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2007, 03:06:17 PM »
I got $olid from you, Fluff.

Awesome!  But seriously, I can't envision a better bang for your buck than a Thunderstruck $olid.  You can play this ball from anywhere because it has that nice predictable hard arc.  It seems like a good all-around ball.  


Anyway, Spares (10 pins even more) are the key to everything.  Working on your timing can be a nightmare, but in the long run the benefits will far outweigh that hell it was to make it perfect.  One of my problems is my timing.  I get moving to fast, my approach speeds up, my release goes wild, and problems follow.  My example is Monday night, I opened with a 161.  My buddie tells me between games on and two that Im moving to fast, and my timing is all messd up.  Game 2 goes 221, game the 268.

Tell me about it.  The main benefits you can get from taking lessons is timing.  When all the timing is lined up, it makes bowling a lot easier.  Of course getting rid of bad habits can be constant work...  The rewards are great though once you start seeing results.
In remembrance of Clean N' Dull and Power Wash.  You are not forgotten.


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Re: Shift vs. Angular
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2007, 11:47:54 AM »
if youre averaging under 180, and still buying all that top end equipment.  whatever pro-shop selling that stuff should be shut down.

Eversince I got my 1st high performance ball, I've averaged 204 since. Havent shot under 600 in almost 6 weeks. I've only been bowling a year so Im still getthing the hang of being consistent but hopefully I can say 200+ for the rest of the season.

  Current Arsenal  
* Ebonite Total NV - Heavy                
* Ebonite Angular One - Heavy
* Brunswick Total Inferno - Heavy
* Track Power Machine - Medium/Light
* Track Freak - Retired
* Ebonite The One - Retired
* Ebonite Big One - Retired

Curent Average
* Monday   - 176
* Thursday - 162