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Author Topic: Should I waste or just forget  (Read 1377 times)


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Should I waste or just forget
« on: January 06, 2017, 02:00:31 PM »
I am a hammer man and a new bowler. I am a two hander and that timeless caught my eyes just because it was created by a two hander(Belmo). My question is with my current arsanal will it fit ? I am not getting the Gauntlet because I have the Scandal . I will not be buying the Phobia cause I have the Red Legend Pearl(which is stronger). I never owned a storm. Thank you ahead of time.

2Handedvolcano PLEASE DO NOT REPLY!
My Weapons for WAR: 15LBS. Hammer Black Widow Gold, Storm IQ Tour, Storm Timeless, Storm Drive, Hammer Black Urethane, Hammer Gauntlet.  Gold Widow Spare



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Re: Should I waste or just forget
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2017, 02:23:48 PM »
My only question to you would be.... does your current ball line up work for what you need? You will get mixed answers on your question I'm sure, but with that said though, I do here what your saying about being developed by your style bowler so your curious, but you know what works for him may not work for you.

I'm no help at all, sorry :)

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Re: Should I waste or just forget
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2017, 02:39:01 PM »
I wouldn't get hung up on the fact that he is a two handed bowler as well. I seen too many people asking on social media if one handers could use this ball and they were dead serious. Look at the ball for the specs and if you think you have a spot for a ball with those specs. Seems like a Hy-road that's cleaner, more angular, and more diff.

Based on the arsenal you have listed, It might complement you RLP or compete for lane time with it. You'll have to gauge that.
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