I decided to give Storm equipment a try and I was absolutely amazed by the Hyroad. The layout ended up being pin above ring finger with CG kicked out and an extra hole on the PAP. The way it carries and how versatile it is on the lane seemed to help bump up my avg from 215 to 231!
My question is though: Are there any options in the Storm line (currently manufactured or recently discontinued) that can mimic the Hyroad the best?
(I could not believe the reason I'm not able to use the Hyroad for a long time is the scent...the boysenberry scent makes me a bit nauseous over time. Never in my wildest dreams did I think such a minor detail/health reason is what is keeping me from using one of the most legendary bowling balls in history)
From looking at other Storm balls, it seems like Storm plays a lot of mix-and-match with some of the proven cores and coverstocks to make great products. I was wondering if anyone had any experience/advice in getting a Hyroad reaction from a different ball?
Some possible choices I think might work is use a Crossroad (same R2S hybrid coverstock but stronger core) and drill it a little weaker, or try a Hyroad pearl (pearlized coverstock but same core) with maybe a pin down layout to make it a bit smoother and read the lane a bit earlier. Any advice would be appreciated...and, no...changing my genetics to tolerate boysenberry scent or wearing a mask while bowling are not options haha

Thanks, BR community...so many helpful posts on this website!