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Author Topic: Similar reaction to the Hyroad? Core vs coverstock  (Read 7978 times)


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Similar reaction to the Hyroad? Core vs coverstock
« on: December 14, 2013, 08:28:21 AM »
I decided to give Storm equipment a try and I was absolutely amazed by the Hyroad. The layout ended up being pin above ring finger with CG kicked out and an extra hole on the PAP. The way it carries and how versatile it is on the lane seemed to help bump up my avg from 215 to 231!

My question is though: Are there any options in the Storm line (currently manufactured or recently discontinued) that can mimic the Hyroad the best?

(I could not believe the reason I'm not able to use the Hyroad for a long time is the scent...the boysenberry scent makes me a bit nauseous over time. Never in my wildest dreams did I think such a minor detail/health reason is what is keeping me from using one of the most legendary bowling balls in history)

From looking at other Storm balls, it seems like Storm plays a lot of mix-and-match with some of the proven cores and coverstocks to make great products. I was wondering if anyone had any experience/advice in getting a Hyroad reaction from a different ball?

Some possible choices I think might work is use a Crossroad (same R2S hybrid coverstock but stronger core) and drill it a little weaker, or try a Hyroad pearl (pearlized coverstock but same core) with maybe a pin down layout to make it a bit smoother and read the lane a bit earlier. Any advice would be appreciated...and, no...changing my genetics to tolerate boysenberry scent or wearing a mask while bowling are not options haha  :D

Thanks, BR many helpful posts on this website!



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Re: Similar reaction to the Hyroad? Core vs coverstock
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2013, 09:25:06 AM »
I think you have the right idea with the Crossroad. If you go with the HR Pearl, you need to make sure you drill it to tame down the back end. (the grape scent on the HRP is very strong). Another option is the Frantic, same cover/slightly weaker core, and drilled similar to the HR.

You are right about the HyRoad being a great ball. Don't give up on it as the scent will weaken as time goes on. I really don't know if anyone has tried to get rid of the smell on Storm balls. I can say that my 12 year old Trauma ER still has some smell, but not near as much as when it was new.

The Roto Grip line does not have scents. You may be able to go with a Disturbed (pearl) or the upcoming Asylum (Hybrid) and come close. They are more rolly balls (lower RG), but may give you similar results as the HR.


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Re: Similar reaction to the Hyroad? Core vs coverstock
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2013, 12:13:35 PM »
my Crossroad has been great for me. I have it drilled pin-down and I can't remember if its a 4 1/2 x 4 or 5 x 4 layout. It's been a great ball at reading the medium-light patterns, I can use it if there is more oil but I just have to square up and be a little softer at the bottom.

Also great at taking surface changes like many of storm's mid-price balls. I've used mine at OOB, 4000 abralon, and now at 2000+polish.


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Re: Similar reaction to the Hyroad? Core vs coverstock
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2013, 04:56:43 PM »
My question becomes are you looking for the same type of reaction because Storm still makes the Hy-Road. If you wanted longer then Hy-Road Pearl, stronger, then go with the Crossroad. All 3 are monsters and can't really miss with any of them.
James C. Jones
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Chester, Va.

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Re: Similar reaction to the Hyroad? Core vs coverstock
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2013, 08:18:05 PM »
My question becomes are you looking for the same type of reaction because Storm still makes the Hy-Road. If you wanted longer then Hy-Road Pearl, stronger, then go with the Crossroad. All 3 are monsters and can't really miss with any of them.

I think from the following in his OP, that he may be allergic to the fragrance of the ball.

My question is though: Are there any options in the Storm line (currently manufactured or recently discontinued) that can mimic the Hyroad the best?

(I could not believe the reason I'm not able to use the Hyroad for a long time is the scent...the boysenberry scent makes me a bit nauseous over time. Never in my wildest dreams did I think such a minor detail/health reason is what is keeping me from using one of the most legendary bowling balls in history)

Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

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Re: Similar reaction to the Hyroad? Core vs coverstock
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2013, 12:52:28 PM »

IQ TOUR FUSION - could possibly kill the Hyroad based on the design intent, time will tell right?
RISING STAR (discont) - closets shape overall in my opinion
FRANTIC (a few boards weaker up front but very close downlane)
CROSSROAD (boards smoother downlane, opposite shape of the FRANTIC)
ASYLUM - feels close to the RISING STARS I have. More bounce than RISING STAR of the point but smoother downlane than HYROAD  while being dentical if not close up front/midlane push of the HYROAD


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Re: Similar reaction to the Hyroad? Core vs coverstock
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2013, 02:06:31 PM »

IQ TOUR FUSION - could possibly kill the Hyroad based on the design intent, time will tell right?
RISING STAR (discont) - closets shape overall in my opinion
FRANTIC (a few boards weaker up front but very close downlane)
CROSSROAD (boards smoother downlane, opposite shape of the FRANTIC)
ASYLUM - feels close to the RISING STARS I have. More bounce than RISING STAR of the point but smoother downlane than HYROAD  while being dentical if not close up front/midlane push of the HYROAD

Do you have Asylum and Fusion?
Daredevil Trick
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Re: Similar reaction to the Hyroad? Core vs coverstock
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2013, 03:18:35 PM »
UpRoar coming tomorrow...


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Re: Similar reaction to the Hyroad? Core vs coverstock
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2013, 03:24:01 PM »
Awesome. How does it compare to disturbed? Is it clean upfront?
Daredevil Trick
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Re: Similar reaction to the Hyroad? Core vs coverstock
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2013, 04:53:19 PM »

The ASYLUM (for me) leans towards the reaction of the DISTURBED (with boards more pronounced movement at the break). For me hybrids seem to either favor characteristics of either the solid or pearl versions of their lineage (minus the HYROAD which for me seems the perfect mix of the T-ROAD SOLID vs. T-ROAL PEARL).
Of the two DISTURBED  balls (1- pin below bridge no hole, 1- pin above bridge + hole on VAL) the ASYLUM seems to roll with the characteristics of both my pin up/pin down DISTURBED balls.

ASYLUM has surprising length but not near as long as the DERANGED. It surprised me how relatively small the flare pattern was vs. the DISTURBED.

Sidenote: the HYPER CELL is really really really strong (I would venture to think that its stronger downlane than the Totally Defiant with the traction of the Defiant Soul).


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Re: Similar reaction to the Hyroad? Core vs coverstock
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2013, 05:58:43 PM »
So it sounds like the asylum may be to close to consider it a step down. I'm looking for that step down after disturbed starts too early but I'm higher tilt and polished pearls don't fit my game. Im currently using a nomad solid in that position.
Daredevil Trick
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