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Author Topic: Smoother and Weaker than Anarchy for Broken Down Shot  (Read 1343 times)


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Smoother and Weaker than Anarchy for Broken Down Shot
« on: November 02, 2010, 08:05:35 AM »
Hey everyone, I just drilled up an Anarchy, very aggressive since I'm a high speed/med rev player. It's working great in my latter league, we come in after a plastic "for fun" kinda league, so still oil, track isn't burned up, but lots of carrydown. I'd say med-heavy but not swamped ever. I took the cover down to a light 4000 by hand to smooth it out some.

I end up playing straight up about the 5th board to start, and by the end of game two usually moved left 10-12 with my feet. When the track gets burned up it's a little unpredictable for me though. It's a little jumpy off the dry and makes reading the lane a challenge.

Anyone have a recommendation for this type of shot. I thought something a little smoother like a HyRoad/Reign Supreme might work. I even though a 2Fast with a smooth drilling and maybe knocking the polish off the ball. I already have an older ball with an even arc that's the same strength as the Anarchy. Ideally I'd want something 6-10 boards weaker so I can play on the outside into the 3rd game. I wouldn't call this "Dry", still oil in the middle to be had if you wanted, and the outside is totally toasted by game 3, so I think a tropical is too weak. For comparison I have an Old Thunderstruck Pearl, that ball plays straight up about the 5th board in the 3rd game shot.

Thanks for any help!