From the day 1, Storm had the Hy-Road Nano releasing 2 weeks before the Son!q in their notes to us.
I know when the Hot Cell got pushed back, it was because production on all of the other stuff was still so strong that they had to back off the date in order to make enough of them to fill the supply chain before they opened up the sale date.
It may be the case again, I wouldn't know for sure. But as good as all of the Storm and Roto stuff is in the lineup right now, I'm sure they are selling across all lines very strongly. Last January, I was fortunate enough to bowl on a pair with David Symes. He was very nice, bowls well, and we talked about the company a bit before we started bowling. He told us at the time that their production capacity in Utah was 30,000 units a week (4 day week, 10 hour shifts in production). If that is still the case then a strong selling line up with a very anticipated new release could cause the date to be backed off. Frustrating, and yet a good problem to have for Storm/Roto.