If i'm not mistaken wasn't the passion's release date pushed back due to a cracking problem.
Haven't thrown storm in awhile but I use Roto Grip stuff.
My first Battle cracked at the bridge 6 frames in had to stop using it in the 8th as a piece came out. The shell at the bridge area was pretty thin.
Got another one to replace it from the shop. After about 10-15 games the bridge cracked again.(Plugged and redrilled it). I wouldn't stop throwing a companies equipment because a couple balls cracked. They fix the problem and satisfy the customer. The balls they make are still good and worth getting.
I have seen some other companies balls crack. But it does seem that a few high end releases from storm have had cracking problems. Seems like it is the anticipated releases. Paradigm and the passion were highly anticipated, not too sure about the special as I've been preoccupied the last few weeks with moving to Edmonton, AB.
Good luck I hope the next one works out for you.

But be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.-W. Shakespear