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Author Topic: Special Agent vs SD-73  (Read 781 times)


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Special Agent vs SD-73
« on: March 12, 2007, 04:26:43 PM »
Being totally honest, I'm posting the exact same question in two forums due the highly unlikely event that I may get slightly biased input from the members of each forum   :-)

Comparison please FROM THOSE WHO HAVE THROWN THEM, not those who think they know without seeing...
Special Agent vs SD-73? And pease indicate rev rate since I suspect the SD-73 varies greatly with rev rate...
Thanks for the honest feedback.

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Re: Special Agent vs SD-73
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2007, 12:36:56 AM »
I have both 4 1/2 pin to pap under ring finger rev rate guess 250 ish forward roll 12 degress of tilt and medium-higher speed. Pap 5 1/2 over 3/8 up so high tracker that needs pin under ring drillings.

Sd-73 out of the box is about 6-7 boards stronger earlier and stronger backend, i have since changed it too 2000 no polish. Now they are a toss up and have very close shapes that being said i prefer the sd-73 over the special agent.

The special agent i have never touched the surface but it is touchy ball if the backends are clean, it will jump left very fast and for me leaves corners alot.

Being they are both at 2k the special agent cover appears to me to be stronger on the backend when it encounters dry boards.