Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: 302efi on September 12, 2007, 06:58:01 PM
I told myself that I wasnt gonna to pick up anymore Storm gear after most of my Storm & Roto gear cracking, but I couldnt pass this up.
Ball is 2-3 pin and my specs are in my profile. Not really what I'm looking for outta this ball. I know with the right drill it can be flippy, so I guess I'm looking for more of an arch reaction. Mostly shoot on a well oiled THS with clean backs.
Anyone ?
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Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...
Well you are going to have to put the pin in a strong position. Stack the CG with something like a 4" pin-pap and you'll be golden.
Anyone else ?
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"
Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...
Put the pin under your bridge in your favorite distance and shift the cg for 3/4 ounces side weight to allow for tuning with a weight hole and you should get the reaction you're looking for.For being Reactor coverstock,this ball is actually pretty "rolly".

the pooh
the pooh...Pin under the bride is out cause I'm a high tracker
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"
Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...
Unless you are an extremely high tracker you should be able to throw pin down drillings. Just utilize a weight hole in the thumb quadrant to raise the bowtie.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
Unless you are an extremely high tracker you should be able to throw pin down drillings. Just utilize a weight hole in the thumb quadrant to raise the bowtie.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
I can use pin down drillings on string asym balls, but not on sym cored balls.
I have a few in the past, pin under ring Dirty Bomb and pin under bridge Smash Time and the balls would bump the thumb the whole lane 
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"
Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...
What kind of a PAP do you have? I consider myself a high tracker and have drilled symetric balls with pin down layouts for myself (without weight holes) without any issues.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
What kind of a PAP do you have? I consider myself a high tracker and have drilled symetric balls with pin down layouts for myself (without weight holes) without any issues.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
5 1/2 over, 3/4 up...
Anyone else ?
I'm going to punch it up tomorrow around noon...
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"
Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...
So I had it drilled up today just went a basic 5 1 /2 pin to PAP stacked layout.
...and Storm advertises this ball as rolly ?
This thing has more flip then the Fired Up.
Just another over reacting pearl ball.
Oh well...Next ball please
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"
Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...
Drill a high RG High diff pearl ball 5 1/2" from PAP and expect anything OTHER than flippy? Bad idea. Why did you do that?
Drill a ball for length and skid/snap reaction, and what's it going to do? Go long and skid snap!
If you want the ball to roll earlier, plug it and drill it for earlier roll. It WILL pick up on the midlane and have quite a bit of roll if you give it the right drill pattern and right surface adjustments (you may not want to keep it polished, for example, if you don't want skid/snap to give you an over/under reaction.
Well there smart people according to Storm's Drilling Instructions (http://"") they say this about a 5 inch pin to PAP ( I did 5 1/2):
•Place the major pin 5" from the player's
PAP and place the "MB" on the player's
ball track next to the thumb hole.•Use
this layout for length with a medium
backend reaction.
•This layout is great for medium to light
oil. Also works well for players with
higher rev rates.
According to THAT (The instructions that came WITH THE BALL), this layout should not be flippy.
So you guys are saying Storm don't know anything about how to drill there balls ?
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"
Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...
Did you read those instructions? "Use this layout for length with a medium backend reaction." Length means flip, regardless of how "medium" they mean by "medium backend reaction." You're wanting less length if you want more of an arcing reaction.
Edited on 9/20/2007 7:19 AM
No Dan I never said LESS length, did I ?
Length with a mild to med move is what I was going for. Something I could belly 30 to 12 or so. I wasnt looking for something (else) that rockets off the dry and hits the 7.
I didnt want it to roll up at 30ft and arch or roll out to the hole from the 5 board.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"
Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...
Can you put a weighthole in it? have some side weight.
If so...weightholes on the VAL or even closer to grip center can tame a ball down.
PS it is a powerful flippy ball when drilled sort of standard without getting the ball to flare earlier(as others suggested above) or adding weightholes to mute backend.
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
LL...Thats whats we did after I messed with the surface. We put a hole right through the CG. Pretty much right in the center of my span.
It did calm it down a little, but it still have a very pronounced move off the dry boards.
These ball are soo strong
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"
Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...
No Dan I never said LESS length, did I ?
Length with a mild to med move is what I was going for. Something I could belly 30 to 12 or so. I wasnt looking for something (else) that rockets off the dry and hits the 7.
I didnt want it to roll up at 30ft and arch or roll out to the hole from the 5 board.
First off, you never said you wanted a tame reaction -- you just said you wanted an arc rather than a skid/snap reaction. From your very first post in this thread:quote:
I know with the right drill it can be flippy, so I guess I'm looking for more of an arch reaction.
By nature, less length means less angular and more of an arching reaction.
LuckyLefty said:quote:
PS it is a powerful flippy ball when drilled sort of standard without getting the ball to flare earlier(as others suggested above) or adding weightholes to mute backend.
Exactly. It's "rolly" compared to its sister ball, the Fired Up. But it's still by nature got a skid/snap tendancy you have to really drill out of the ball. Especially when you leave it polished, which just accentuates the bounce off the dry.
No Dan I never said LESS length, did I ?
Length with a mild to med move is what I was going for. Something I could belly 30 to 12 or so. I wasnt looking for something (else) that rockets off the dry and hits the 7.
I didnt want it to roll up at 30ft and arch or roll out to the hole from the 5 board.
First off, you never said you wanted a tame reaction -- you just said you wanted an arc rather than a skid/snap reaction. From your very first post in this thread:quote:
I know with the right drill it can be flippy, so I guess I'm looking for more of an arch reaction.
By nature, less length means less angular and more of an arching reaction.
Read it again..."so I guess I'm looking for more of an arch reaction"
Not total arch, just more of it. A 90 left turn is pretty much what it does. When I took the cover down, it rolled somewhat earlier, but still had a powerful move comming out of the med. Almost moved like a dull solid resin.
When I took it up to 4000 and with it with React-a-Shine it became a over under monster, pretty much all control was gone at that finish. So what I settled on after the weight hole was 2000, then took a rag with just water and got the ball hot for a few minutes on each side.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"
Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...
You can't just say "more of an arch" and nothing else and expect me to know you mean "lots of length, but only slightly more arch than a 90 degree left turn off the dry." When I read "more of an arch," to me that meant you wanted the ball to roll a good bit earlier like a matte finish solid reactive, but you just wanted the pearl surface to get the ball to save up some extra energy. It sounds to me like what you're really looking for would be a moderately strong cover with a weaker core and a fairly tame drill, which is not really what you got from the Spit Fire at all.
It sounds to me like what you're really looking for would be a moderately strong cover with a weaker core and a fairly tame drill...
Exactly....Looking at a Jolt solid as we speak. I got some shop credit and can get them for cost, so this might be next.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"
Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...
Yeah, I like the sound of the Jolt for you -- with your rev rate, it should finish plenty hard even with a tamer drilling, but be less over/under than a polished pearl. Let us know how that one works out.