I was wondering if it would be worth my while to get the invasion. I currently am throwing a mutant cell, 15lb 3 oz top weight drilled pin over ring, cg kicked about 20* and mb inline with those, and a magic action, same weights, pin under ring, cg kicked right 20* mb directly under that. I belive both are close to 3" pins. I throw medium revs, medium speed, standing 20 swing to 8-10. synthetic overlays. the mutant for me is a nice arc to the pocket, and th action is a little bit of skid and flip from the same position. I like them because if one doesn't seem to finish I switch to the other without moving. Would the invasion be stronger than the mutant, especially if I drilled it pin under? Both balls are box finish. any advice would be great
201 league average 2 leagues
One pearl
Cherry vibe
14lb agent
skull and cross bones
rogue cell- not my thing
Break point pearl- now is my favorite ball