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Author Topic: Storm and Roto Grip Balls.....which ones are close to each other?  (Read 1813 times)


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Was wondering if any overlap each other for the most part?

Like the the Punch Out similar? Punch Out is 2.55 0.038 and the Uproar is 2.55 0.030 RS2 Pearl Reactive and 51ML Pearl Reactive.

Are these close?

Any others?



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Re: Storm and Roto Grip Balls.....which ones are close to each other?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2014, 03:12:02 AM »
I have both, I do not think these are close.

Uproar imo has a more pronounced move off the breakpoint.
PunchOut skids longer thru the front/mids and has a smoother response to friction. However, I see your logic but would still constructively debate your inquiry. :-)

I do think the IQ Tour Nano/Marvel-S are close.
The IQ Nano I have is pin above middle, while the Marvel-S pin above ring (no xhole on either), and I have the IQ Nano a shave smoother off the break (than the Marvel-S). The Marvel-S has more overall traction and has the edge in amount of volume it handles, but again based on your question... these are really close (for me). I would defend that given a few variables (personal finance, if you are just a fan of Utah, or you like to have tight tiers of equipment), these two are different enough that a Marvel-S enthusiast will notice variance.

Other notable close balls (depending on volume/your axis tilt/speed):
IQ Tour vs. Zero Gravity
Lights Out vs. Original Hyroad (I'm ONLY saying this because I use them both in tandem, with almost identical layouts... where the Lights being just under the Hyroad given ample volume.


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Re: Storm and Roto Grip Balls.....which ones are close to each other?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2014, 06:10:06 AM »
Look at the graphs on the bottom of these pages.  BTM for the most part is a better comparison ball to ball than most. 


How BTM tests.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2014, 06:15:13 AM by scotts33 »