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Author Topic: Storm being bought out????  (Read 7044 times)


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Storm being bought out????
« on: March 15, 2007, 02:36:07 AM »
I heard some very disappointing news last night from my pro shop operator.  He has stated from a source at Ace Mitchell Bowling supplies that an offer has been put on the table to buy out Storm by the worst of all companies, Brunswick.  This is not sitting well with me.  What are your thoughts?


Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Storm being bought out????
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2007, 01:53:53 PM »
fluff,  are you kidding????


In remembrance of Clean N' Dull and Power Wash.  You are not forgotten.


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Re: Storm being bought out????
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2007, 02:37:13 PM »
No.  There is almost no way that would happen.  

If Brunswick buys Storm, that leave all of TWO major bowling manufacturers (Columbonite and Brunstorm), which looks very much like some kind of Antitrust/Monopoly law violation.

I thought of this as well, but as long as they both have a competitive share of the market the government would more than likely not step in.  Take for example the satellite radio market.  You only have 2 major players there (Sirius and XM).  Again I don’t want this to happen.  I like Storm and I think under Brunswick it would like the apocalypse.  I do though believe the bowling ball industry is changing in which you are going to have only 2 or 3 major manufactures that will have a conglomeration of different ball companies with in them such as the case with Ebonite.  Is Ebonite going to be too far out ahead in the near future for both Storm and Brunswick to be able to make it on their own?

Edited on 3/15/2007 2:38 PM

Edited on 3/15/2007 2:39 PM

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Storm being bought out????
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2007, 02:39:48 PM »
I don't see the government giving a crap if Brunswick and Ebonite have a monopoly.  Just saying...

I think Storm makes the best products out of the three so I would hate to see them gobbled up into the crapper.
In remembrance of Clean N' Dull and Power Wash.  You are not forgotten.


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Re: Storm being bought out????
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2007, 02:42:53 PM »
I wouldn't see why Brunswick would do it anyways.  Keep in mind Brunswick is far more than a bowling company, so it's not like they're desperate to compete and this is the corporation's only source of income.  If they fell down too much, the powers that be would just axe the bowling part and they'd continue on with their day.  Now, I'm not saying they'd never do it, but they certainly wouldn't be in a panic about the whole ebonite thing and make such a decision.
- Andy

Edited on 3/15/2007 2:43 PM


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Re: Storm being bought out????
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2007, 03:29:08 PM »
I don't see the government giving a crap if Brunswick and Ebonite have a monopoly.  Just saying...

Why wouldn't they care?  Because bowling is such a piddlin' industry?  A monopoly is a monopoly.  While they may leave it be for a time, all it would take to get their interest is a new manufacturer complaining about being shut out of the market.

And really, it isn't that having a monopoly is illegal (in some cases, it can't be helped when you're the only company that does/makes X), it's using that monopoly status to unfairly keep others out of the market or to expand to new markets.  Even if Storm and Brunswick merged, leaving just the two big companies, the barrier to entry would not necessarily be any higher.  Visionary and Lanemasters has their own manufacturing facilities.  I hear there's a sizeable manufacturing plant in San Antonio that's soon to be vacant.  If Storm/Brunswick and Columbonite told distributors that they'd raise their prices if they carried Visionary, Banger, Insite, or Lanemansters, that's be abuse of a monopoly (really oligopoly in this case).


Edited on 3/15/2007 3:29 PM

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Storm being bought out????
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2007, 03:39:15 PM »
I hope you are right Shelley.
In remembrance of Clean N' Dull and Power Wash.  You are not forgotten.


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Re: Storm being bought out????
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2007, 03:47:39 PM »
maybe the bowling industry is taking lessons and learning from the banking industry.

it seems that everyday a bank is bought out by another bank.

makes perfect sense to me.

must have made sense to ebonite!!!!   cause they did buy up columbia.

don't know if this will happen.  but i think it would be a smart move for brunswick.  

we shall see.

now back to golf.


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Re: Storm being bought out????
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2007, 07:56:59 PM »
I'd like to see Storm re-add DynoThane somehow, since Ebonite doesn't seem to want to do it.  Maybe then I'd buy Dyno stuff again.

Or, maybe Storm picks up AMF and actually does it justice.

The only good news about Ebo buying Columbia, for me, is that it increases the chance of Columbia getting rid of its covers or changing them. I don't match up with Columbia or AMF right now at all. It's much better, for some reason, with Track. My game fits Ebo's cover-core combos very well, though.

My best, overall, is by far Storm/Roto, with Legends/Lanemasters running close behind.



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Re: Storm being bought out????
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2007, 10:32:14 PM »
I'd like to see Storm re-add DynoThane somehow, since Ebonite doesn't seem to want to do it.  Maybe then I'd buy Dyno stuff again.

Agreed.  I think they put out some really great stuff while with Storm.  If they went back, they could re-release the Black.



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Re: Storm being bought out????
« Reply #25 on: March 16, 2007, 03:39:49 AM »
Storm has a great staff and all, but Ebonite will dominate in time.

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Storm being bought out????
« Reply #26 on: March 16, 2007, 07:26:21 AM »
Storm has a great staff and all, but Ebonite will dominate in time.

Well let's hope not.  I like good stuff.

In remembrance of Clean N' Dull and Power Wash.  You are not forgotten.

Edited on 3/16/2007 7:26 AM


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Re: Storm being bought out????
« Reply #27 on: March 16, 2007, 02:50:24 PM »
Just nice to know that we are starting to grow. Before you didn't even know who we were.  


Nothing wrong with your stuff but I've been with Visionary for some years now and will stay with them.....with pretty much the same covers and cores.  Good luck.  I'm sure the Wonders appreciate your business.
