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Author Topic: Storm Code Red Video Review  (Read 5348 times)


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Storm Code Red Video Review
« on: June 02, 2017, 07:48:55 PM »
Video pretty well covers everything, and Hyroad cover with stronger core is pretty well self explanatory to begin with.  Thanks for watching!
Storm Amateur Staff
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Re: Storm Code Red Video Review
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2017, 10:09:11 PM »
Bro, your videos are the bomb. Great job!


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Re: Storm Code Red Video Review
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2017, 02:04:53 PM »
As always Luke, keep' em coming!


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Re: Storm Code Red Video Review
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2017, 08:54:04 AM »
Thanks!  I have another video on the Code Red that I'm uploading later today, wanted some feedback on it.  I had a thought to do both a review video and an opinion video separately.  First have just the objective review, hey, this is the ball, this is what it does, done.  Then have an opinion video where I talk about what I actually think of the ball.  Some people just want the facts, because they won't ever trust a "staffer" to give an objective opinion (not that I blame them on that one . .), and some people DO want an opinion because they can get all the facts off the website.  Everyone seems happy with the way I've been doing the videos, but I wanted to try this to see if it might be better.  If you want the review, there's the video for that, if you want an opinion and a few fun facts, there's a video for that, and if you want to watch both, cool.  Really just want to make sure you're getting the info you want or prefer. 
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Re: Storm Code Red Video Review
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2017, 09:04:53 AM »
Did you come to your senses and give up on the left handed BS?


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Re: Storm Code Red Video Review
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2017, 09:16:48 AM »
Luke, you may just rank in the top 0.5% of staffers ever. If I want a Storm or roto grip ball, your reviews are the ones I go to first. Hell, your reviews are the only ones I turn the volume up for because I know you will tell it how it is. You don't say crap like "this ball will work on anything from a medium heavy long oil pattern through the double burn!" on behalf of the bowling noobs everywhere, I thank you.


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Re: Storm Code Red Video Review
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2017, 09:42:46 AM »
Yeah.  It was fun for what it was, but you knew it was all in my head.  Basically it amounted to being self conscious about my form and trying to force something that just didn't work.  Thought it was issues from my shoulder injury, wasn't the case, shoulder is just fine.  Now that I'm just trying to knock pins down instead of be pretentious and egotistical, it's working out pretty well.  Did give me some good insight into bowling on that side of the lane though . .

Did you come to your senses and give up on the left handed BS?
Storm Amateur Staff
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Re: Storm Code Red Video Review
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2017, 09:46:22 AM »
I'm not a Storm guy, but you sure do make it convincing. All companies should have staffers like you. Consumers can see thru the bullshiz. Why companies make their shills regurgitate the same marketing hype is beyond me.


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Re: Storm Code Red Video Review
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2017, 09:48:19 AM »
Yeah, prettiest doesn't always win or Ozio would have won every week he shoed up.  There's this guy named Walter, though.  He's got limbs kinda flying everywhere and rears up at the line.  It's worked out pretty well for him.


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Re: Storm Code Red Video Review
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2017, 10:13:33 AM »
Thanks.  I think I'm going to make a video on being a "staffer."  Everybody wants to be on "staff" because it's seen as more of a career milestone or a sign that you've "arrived."  That's kind of how I saw it at first, but really it's just about being a representative for the company.  It does the company no good for me to say the same about everything and to just try to blindly sell everything.  Maybe the latest and greatest isn't what you need, and if I develop the reputation of just talking everything up and trying to get the sale, nothing I say has any value, and ultimately reduces my contribution to the company and my value to them.  It's my job to know the equipment better than anyone else and to help people find the stuff they need.  Yeah selling and promoting the equipment is part of the deal, naturally I'd like you to choose a Storm or Roto ball when you buy something.  But at the same time if I talk you into something because it's the closest thing Storm/Roto has to what you really need, I'm doing everyone a disservice.  If there's a hole in the lineup, or another company has the best ball in a certain reaction category, it's not my job to lie about it or cover it up, it's the company's job to fill the hole or raise the bar. 

I'm also hoping to shift the "agenda" of the whole staffer and ball review thing.  There are certain reactions you "need" to compete, sure.  Just like if you went looking for golf clubs, there are a few clubs you very realistically and honestly need just to play the game.  Everyone tries to market balls based on need now, "oh you've gotta have this reaction in your bag."  Yeah, there are a couple balls out there I feel would be beneficial or "essential" (#marketing) to have in your bag, just like a 7 iron is for me on the golf course.  7 iron covers most par 3s and most approach shots on longer par 4s or par 5s for me, gets a lot of use.  Some balls like the Hyroad and now the Code Red are balls that are likely going to get a ton of use on a daily basis.  But for most league bowlers, you don't really buy stuff because you need it, you buy stuff cause you want to buy stuff.  Bowling is supposed to be fun, why can't you drill something for fun?  Do you always have to have a "need" for a ball to buy one? 

I'm with Storm because I like the brand and because they keep offering me a contract every year.  I like the equipment, I like the merchandising and marketing, and I really like the people.  I don't scan the bowling ball landscape and jump from company to company based on who has the hot stuff at the moment, I'm with Storm because I want to be and because they keep letting me, and hopefully that doesn't change.  At the same time, it's my job to represent the company well, and filling the typical "staffer" mold isn't the way to do it in my opinion.  I like bowling and I like making videos, and being on "staff" allows me benefits and opportunities that help greatly with that.  Obviously I like talking about bowling too, so this gives me a good outlet lol. 

Luke, you may just rank in the top 0.5% of staffers ever. If I want a Storm or roto grip ball, your reviews are the ones I go to first. Hell, your reviews are the only ones I turn the volume up for because I know you will tell it how it is. You don't say crap like "this ball will work on anything from a medium heavy long oil pattern through the double burn!" on behalf of the bowling noobs everywhere, I thank you.
Storm Amateur Staff
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Re: Storm Code Red Video Review
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2017, 10:19:11 AM »
This is what's it's all about right here. It's great to see that their are a few 'honest and trustworthy'  staffers/mom staffers that will openly be objective on the pro's/con's on any ball that comes out; Hats off to you again!