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Author Topic: Storm College line up  (Read 1603 times)


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Storm College line up
« on: November 28, 2006, 03:19:33 AM »
Hey just looking for a few second opinions on how this looks... the big college tournaments start coming in a month (winter break)
little info about me rev rate (cats) 330 RPM's off the hand
ball speed i can go from 16.0 to 20.0 off the hand

1.)Paradigm (stacked) for opening up the lanes a little when there is friction to the right

2.)Pyro 10:30 ring finger through the pin - for when the lanes start getting messy, want something that is very controllable

3.)Dark Thunder 10:30 pin below the bridge - bench mark ball

4.)Thunderstruck (pearl or solid) or T-Road Pearl 12:00 pin above the fingers to help the ball get down lane

5.)T-Road peal or Jolt or Jolt Pearl 1:30 or 12:00 pin way above the bridge - something for when the lanes are super burnt that will have alot of length and be smooth at the break point

4) may be a thunder line ball drilled weak or maybe a jolt, i like the coverstock on it.
5) may change to a Tropical

any advice here would be great.

Born a Lefty... Forced to become right handed...

Edited on 11/28/2006 12:31 PM

Edited on 11/28/2006 1:57 PM



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Re: Storm College line up
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 12:50:37 PM »
Most of the stuff doesn't sound too bad, however on super burnt, I would stay away from the T-Road pearl and the Jolts.  I have easily been able to use the T-Road successfully on medium to medium heavy.  And the Jolt just makes an instant left the second it encounters any dry.  Both of those balls hook way to much for me when they are super fried, I think you might be better suited with a Tropical for those situations.


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Re: Storm College line up
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2006, 01:16:25 PM »
Thanks Zonepro,

I will try 2 fit in a Tropical.  Just to give a better idea of college shots, its 5 person teams bowling 6+ games w/ out oiling.  1/2 the field insists on playing the track with the latest hook monster.... this leads to the only playable lines being up or outside 5 or inside 25 after game 3.  

also wondering how different the thunderstruck solid and pearl are.  

thanks for the advice!
Born a Lefty... Forced to become right handed...


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Re: Storm College line up
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2006, 01:19:31 PM »
If you're coming to the East Coast for the college tournaments, chances are anything stronger than a Jolt you won't be able to get past 30 feet.  The Allentown Tournament laid down a longer/tougher shot last year, but the one in Jersey always plays notoriously dry.


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Re: Storm College line up
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2006, 01:18:13 AM »
Yea we are doing the east coast tournaments again... I'm thinking i will take 6 balls just cut my strongest in the N.J tournament. so something like

Special Agent 5" pin-pap w/ a light polish
Paradigm Stacked
Dark Thunder (solid) 10:30 pin under the bridge (will polish in N.J and go to 1000 or 2000 grit in PA.)
Thunderstruck Pearl 5 1/2 " pin-pap middle finger where the pin would be
Jolt Pearl  5 1/2 " pin-pap pin over the bridge
Tropical 2" pin-pap (the yellow/green... lighter colored balls hook less and it smells better) to go real strait and lay off on the back (yea right in N.J)

Born a Lefty... Forced to become right handed...


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Re: Storm College line up
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2006, 02:11:01 AM »
It doesn't matter what you throw in Jersey, if your playing left of 10 and you hit up on the ball at all, it WILL check early.  Practice "being nice to it" at the bottom, or work on playing the gutter.  And when I mean the gutter there, you need to use a very aggressive ball with surface, and keep the ball on line to the head pin.  It's a catch 22 out there though, NOBODY plays there because it is very tough in that house, but if you are brave enough and skilled enough, you will not have to contend with the drastic transitions there.  If the gutter is not your fortay, be very prepared to loft the cap and fade the ball.  Jersey and Allentown are such great tournament because you get the best of both worlds.  Dry in Jersey and wet in PA.
Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.

AMF Thruway Lanes Pro Shop employee, and I have no problem saying that I'm Officially a Ball Junkie.