I'm a little weary on the Intense. To me, it seems more like the Lucid. It likes to be closer to the track and be forward rolling down the lane. Not bad by any means, but not something I can go left to right with. I would have it at 1 or 2000 and use it on the fresh and then go to a Code Red with less surface to go a little more left.
I disagree with this. The Intense is really angular and seems best throwing away from the pocket. The only way it works going straighter is having a huge wall. I've used it on the 2016 Rome pattern (45ft) and it came hard off the end of that pattern. On the house shot, if I get it too straight, I'm paying the price. This ball needs oil to push it down the lane, yet still needs room to hook back to the pocket. And don't get slow with this ball - you will pay.
I used it saturday at box on the house shot and then sunday on Rome. After seeing the reaction, I took it down to 3000 dull. It's much smoother now, but still turns the corner hard. Used it pretty much all night in my monday mixed league. Shot over 700 but still paid a few times through the nose. 3-4 splits on the night.
In my opinion, the Code Red is much smoother than the Intense. It also handles less oil. I have them both drilled with pretty angular layouts. The Code Red was still fairly smooth at box finish. The Intense, most definitely, was not. Both are at 3000 now. Intense is still far more angular off the spot. Even the Code Black - which I took to 4000 + Xtra Shine - is less angular.
I have not had a chance to compare it to my Sure Lock yet. I expect the Sure Lock to handle more oil, but even though it still retains energy fairly well, I don't think it is as angular as the Intense. The Intense is definitely filling a spot in the heavy oil category.