I have always drilled my IQ Tour’s slightly medium but find that sometimes I need alittle more pop, adjacent to that my Phaze II’s may be a tad stronger than I need it to be when I want to play alittle straighter in the front part of the lane.
The Ion Pro to me fit right in the middle, not only is it just as strong but not overly strong, it continues more than the IQ Tour when there is alittle more oil down lane and alittle less friction.
We decided to drill mind pin under the middle 4 inches from my pap (4 3/4 over by 1 up) be it hybrid, I like to keep my medium type balls in the light 2-3000K area.
If you are looking for something alittle calmer than a Phaze II but alittle stand uppy-er than your IQ Tour, the Ion Pro is going to be the shape you’ll like.