I did. Not a fan LOL. The market is tough because like has been said, people think they want things they don't want or should want, or they don't know how to explain it. Tons of people say they want a lot of hook when they mean they want backend, which are two different things.
Storm's problem right now is overhyping stuff that ends up sucking, so you get all this attention and then the ball just isn't good. The Phaze and Timeless come to mind. Now I liked both of my Phazes that I had, and few people know about the 2nd batches and on that were really extremely epic, but the first batch Phaze wasn't what most people want in a ball. Timeless is a super niche ball, but then you have truly great releases like the Rocket Ship and Torrent that don't get any attention at all. Does anyone even know the Torrent exists? And seriously, Hyroad? Hyroad Pearl? Marvel Pearl? The Codes? These are monster releases that other companies have tried to copy for years and yet the Hyroad is still the GOAT

I think Storm does release too many balls. People will buy them all and they wouldn't release so many if it wasn't good for business, but it's too hard to keep up. I like Roto's schedule better.
Roto stays outside the box constantly and puts out really solid stuff every time, but they're not Storm. Storm either makes really safe stuff or tries to get too far outside the box, and it's a mixed bag. They both discontinued truly great light oil balls in the Ride and Hectic, but they have to play that production game, if it's not getting numbers, they aren't going to offer it because the plants run full tilt constantly trying to keep up with the popular stuff, small batches can't be a thing. And who is really making a great TRUE light oil or dry lane ball right now? Nobody is because they're catch 22s. Making a good light oil ball is the hardest thing on the market to do, the balance is so touchy, and then they usually don't end up selling that well.
I think the companies need to ditch the "innovation" angle, because there's only so many things you can do with the physics. There's stuff they know that works, and there's stuff that doesn't. Keep refreshing the selection, there IS a lot of variation you can still have, and again, it's supposed to be fun. People rarely NEED new bowling balls, they're just fun to drill, so why does everything have to be "new and better?" I think Storm is just trying too hard right now, need to go back to the well. Just do what works. I don't like everything that comes out, but I'm still perfectly happy where I'm at, I'll be with them as long as they'll have me.
The Timeless is much maligned here. FYI, a lady bowler (really good) shot 797 with a 14 lb. Timeless at our Sweepers in the Reno Bowling Stadium. So, maybe you should try owning and throwing one to see for yourself.