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Author Topic: Storm Marvel... All you should ever need!!!!!  (Read 1448 times)


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Storm Marvel... All you should ever need!!!!!
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:23:15 PM »
I usually dont carry well with Heavy oil storm equipment.. there medium oil stuff with polish is usually the way to go with my game. Against my normal logic.. I decided to punch up this Storm Marvel.. drilled it with a layout I have never used before... psa 4 3/8 x 3 1/4.. medium long pin buffer. This put the pin below and slightly right of the middle finger.... with a medium flare hole.. with this layout I expected the ball to read the midlane and be continuous on the backend.. I got exactly that..  After drilling it up.. I went immediately to the lanes on a fresh test oil shot. I threw a test shot with my vital energy drilled a bit longer.. foot on the furthest left dot (right hander).. break point around 10 on the lanes... the ball just wiggled and didnt finish.. I thought perfect.. lets see what the marvel does... Well the marvel required me to move 3 boards and 2 just to keep it on the right side. I decided what the heck.. lets go into a series lets see what I can do with it.. Ended up coming out with 279 out of the box with the marvel.. enroute to a 730 series.. not bad for a ball that has new grips and slug.. hung up as normal with a new ball.. which I feel kept me from shooting 300 with it.. Not only does this thing move.. but it carries like the dickens.. Vital Energy has now been moved to a buddy of mine... and sets up for an excellent 1, 2 punch.. the Marvel and the Mission Domination polished! I will be bowling all through the week with it.. I will let you know how it holds up... out of the box the ball looks like something special.. and something perfect for any bowler that wants something that you know will get through the oil.. and still have something left to finish strong through the pins.. Good job Storm!

Owner of Brazen Bowling Supply... authorized seller of Lane1,Big B,Morich,Storm,Roto,Seismic,Visionary,Motiv,Ebonite,Hammer,Columbia, and Track... I can get anything.. give me the chance to earn your business!