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Author Topic: Storm Night Road Review  (Read 5914 times)


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Storm Night Road Review
« on: September 10, 2022, 01:51:10 PM »
The Storm Night Road is the newest ball in the thunder line. This ball has the same coverstock as the Dark Code and Infinite Physix. The Night Road is earlier and smoother than the Hyroad and Hyroad Pearl. This is going to be a ball that you can go to if you are looking to control a pattern and the other Hyroad’s are too quick off friction. I’ve thrown the ball on a couple of different conditions and have found that depending on how much friction there is the ball can sometimes burn up too quickly and puke. This ball is going to be good on more medium volume patterns along with a fresher condition. This ball fits into the Hyroad line well and gives a new shape to it. Get yours at your local storm VIP pro shop.
Alex Thomes
#StormNation #StrikingWorldwide #SquadRG #Driven2Bowl
« Last Edit: September 10, 2022, 04:09:32 PM by AlexThomes619 »



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Re: Storm Night Road Review
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2022, 10:10:32 AM »
This is the ball that I have been waiting for since the announcement came.  I LOVE the Dark Code. So naturally I was excited with any ball that came out with this cover (Infinite Physix, too). I immediately was thinking about the different tournaments I would throw this at and where it slotted into the arsenal.

I drilled this one pin down, same as my byroad pearl.  Im getting older and the slow hook or more options on the burn are what Im constantly looking at.  With this cover being a bit stronger it also makes it a bit earlier, especially right out of the box.  I expect to add some shine to this ball at some point. 

Over all, for me, its the best byroad since the pearl.  I’m a fan already!

My pin down layout is: 50x4.5x65 or 4.5x4.5x3.75

Other balls getting a lot of play:
Dark Code-4x6x2
UFO Alert-4.5x5x3.75.
Wolverine Dark Moss-4.25x5.25x2
Casey Mattingly
Storm/RotoGrip Staff
Turbo Regional Staff
Coach's Corner Pro Shop
Alexandria, IN


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Storm Night Road Review
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2022, 09:25:31 PM »
Night Road - Thunder Line
Coverstock: Rex Pearl - 4K Fast
Core: Inverted Fe²
RG: 2.57   Differential: .046 (15 lbs)
Layout: 80 x 5 x 45
PAP: 6" Right, 1 3/8" Up
Axis Tilt: 16°
Rev Rate: 450-500
Speed: 17-18 mph
Location: AMF Pin-O-Rama, Utica, NY
Pattern: Kegel Main Street V2
The Night Road is the newest addition to the Thunder Line. It’s wrapped in ReX pearl, which is the same cover as the Dark Code and Infinite Physix and uses the proven Inverted Fe² core. The original Hy-Road is one of my all time favorites, so I was extremely excited to drill the Night Road. The Night Road reads earlier and hooks 3-4 boards more than the Hy-Road while having a smoother reaction off the end of the pattern. The Night Road looked better as the lanes transitioned, so it won’t be the first ball out of my bag, but will have a spot for later in league or tournament play. For bowlers looking for a stronger and more controlled reaction compared to the Hy-Road or Hy-Road Pearl, the Night Road will be a great fit. If you want it to go a little longer with more backend, shine is your solution. Stop by your local Storm VIP pro shop to check it out!
Dave Jecko
Storm Amateur Staff Member


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Re: Storm Night Road Review
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2022, 07:00:15 PM »
Night Road – WWRD 9/23/2022

Storm’s new Night Road is a Symmetrical Pearl piece that is good for Medium lane conditions.  PAP is 5 5/16 R 1 3/16 Up. Fragrance is Fruit Trifle.  Drilled one with the Pin above the Bridge and the CG kicked out 2”.  Out of Box motion has good length with strong backend motion through the pins.  Drilled another one with the pin in the Ring Finger and CG under the Ring Finger.  This layout was about 2-3 right with a smoother backend compared to the one I drilled above the Ring.  Pin Up Night Road was overall 3-5 stronger than the Original Hy-Road and 5-7 more than the Hy-Road Pearl.


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Storm Night Road
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2022, 02:44:51 PM »
The legendary Hy Road line continues with the Night Road. It has the iconic Inverted Fe2 which has an RG of 2.57 and Diff of 0.046 and is wrapped about the REX pearl cover that was also found on the Dark Code and finished with Fast 4K. I drilled mine 5.5 x 5 x 3 and my first impressing of this ball was that it was super clean down lane but didn’t overreact off the spot. I actually fooled around with the surface of this ball and finally settled on 3000 which gave me a little bit more reaction of the pattern and more of a stronger Hy Road reaction than a Hy Road Pearl reaction that I was expecting. I can see this ball being great later in the day on medium/longer patterns or someone who wants to really have a strong backend reaction in league.