Yeah I'd ignore anything you see from that crew, Ruocco thumbs the piss out of everything so he could get a 6 inch pin White Dot to hook, that kind of sometimes two handed kid either flags it out to the 3 board or never gets it right of 15, and everything Curlie throws looks the same.
IF you want to make the Phaze look "pretty" on a house shot, you need to go stronger across the board. It's a very strong ball to begin with, it's just not a strong ball on the backend. Trying to force backend out of the ball is not a good idea, because it's just not that kind of ball, HOWEVER, drop 10-15 degrees off both your initial and final angles, and drop about half an inch off the pin, and add a P3 hole. So if a favorite layout for you is 65x5x40, go 50x4.5x30.
In my opinion however, you buy different balls to do different things, yet somehow everyone wants every ball they buy to work on their league shot. My Phaze got used for my video and is sitting on a rack in the back waiting for Greater Ozarks, Nationals, and my sport league this summer because it is going to be an absolute beast on a sport pattern. Hook but not flip? Sign me up. 500 or 1k grit straight up 3/4/5 at Nationals? I can hardly wait. League shot though? Nah, Loco Solid and Hectic have that covered. The Phaze is a house shot killer for guys with a lot of hand or guys with virtually no hand. Guys with hand can rip on it without it turning sideways on the back, and the guys without hand can play a lot closer to the friction on the outside without the over/under of more angular balls. Tweeners? Absolute nightmare. Tweeners and crankers on sport patterns? Best ball ever. Low rev rate? Buy an Alpha.
That video like all of the others from are on a mega wall. So it's hard to have a ball not look good. Though there have been some that have.